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Show I IAS E BALL Bt - i l . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Hi Chicago, 8; New York, 6. i CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Joo Tinker, re- H instated Chicago shortstop, returnori Hi to tho ganio with a vengeance today H and was largely responsible for Chi j cago's victory over New York H H faced JIathcwsou four times fur two B singles, a double and a triple. He B stole homo while Mathcwson was H winding up to deliver tho ball. Devoe H was hit by a pitched ball and bad to 1 leave the game. RUB K Chicago 8 10 3, W Now York C 13 H' Batteries Drown and Archor; H JIathovBon and Meyers. H Pittsburg, 2; Philadelphia, 7. B PITTSBURG, Aug. 7. Pittsburg de- H fcated Philadelphia today. Chalmers H allowed only three hits, but gave six Ht bases on balls, two of which doveloped H into runs. Adams was strong through- H R II K B Pittsburg 2 2 H Philadelphia 1 S Hl Battorles Adams and Gibson; Hl Chalmers and Ryan. Hjl St.' Louis, 4; Brooklyn, 3. H ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7. St Louis won Ht j a hard-fought gamo from Brooklyn Hj today. The locals started the, scoring Ht j in the third by getting two runs. H, , Brookljn tied it in the fourth and St. H Louis went ahead In tho fifth. Man- H J agers Dahlen and Bresnaban were H , ' put off the field for disputing de- Hi clfilonR. R H E -u--i.i "J o H SL Louis 4 6 2 H ,i Batteries Schardt. Scanlon and H a Bergen; Stcld and Brasnahan, Bliss. H Cincinnati, 8; Boston, 2. H i CINCINNATI, Aug. 7. Mattern was H oasy for the locals, Cincinnati knock- H Ing him out of the box in the third. H Perdue was ineffective. Smith pitch- H: cd good ball at all stages. A portion H of the gate receipts wero donated to H tho National Playground association. H ecceral thousand school children par- Hr ticlpating In the exercises previous Htf to tho game. R H B H, Cincinnati S 16 1 H' Boston 2 S 1 H, Batteries Smith and Clark; Mat- fl t tern, Pcrudo and Kling, I " H AMERICAN LEAGUE. H j Split Even. L' WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Washing- H on and St. Louis split oven In to- H day's double-header, the locals win- H nlng tho first gamo while the nec- H ond went to tho visitors. Groom al- H ' lowed only two hits in tho first game, M one a scratch. Gray was driven from H the mound In the second inning of H " tho second game, and Cnehlon, who H f relieved him, was wild. H v First gamo: R II E M Washington. .... -...,1 4 1 tHM St. Louis 0 2 2 I Batteries Groom and Street;-Pelty and Stephens, Second gamer RUE Washington v 6 13 2 SL Louis ......13 10 1 Battorles Gray, Caahlon and Aain- kj smith; George and Kritcholl. H I Philadelphia Won Both Qameo. j PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 7. Phlladel- H phia won two games today. Tho first H was a pitching duel between Scott H, and Bender. Neither team scored for H, 12 Innings, during which Chicago got HL only one runner as far as second base. H, Murphy scored tho winning run on H! bis single, Mclnnes' sacrifice, an out Hj and Thomas' single In his last four H tive innings without giving a base on Hl balls, and 34 straight innings without Hl being scored on. The second contest Hj was also a battle between Pitchers Hj Morgan and Walsh. Struck scored b tho winning run In tho tenth on bis B' trlplo and E. Collin b' drive over Cal- H lahan's head. H First game: RUE H Chicago 17 2 Philadelphia 2 9 1 H Battorles Scott and Payne; Ben- H der, D anforth and Thomas. B Second game: R H E j Chicago 2 0 3 l Philadelphia 3 10 2 l Batteries WalBh and Sullivan; H Morgan and Livingston. H Cleveland, 8; Boston, 3. H BOSTON, Aug. 7. The errors of H Glannini, Boston shortstop, a recruit H from tho Pacific coast, together with H four hits, including a home run by H Lajolo, notted Cleveland six runs In B the sixth Inning and gave them the H game. The hitting of Lajoie featur- H ed. R H E Hj Boston 3 11 G H Cleveland S 13 2 H Batteries Wood and Carrigan; H Gregg and Fisher. H Detroit, 7; New York, 6. H NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Detroit be- Hj gan a fight to recover first place in H the American league, and although H they won tho first of tho scries, Phil- H adelphla'a double victory over Chi- H cago kept Detroit In second place. Tho Hl gamo was close and exciting. K RUE H , Detroit : 7 12 3 H I Now York- ...'... G 10 0 H Batteries Summers, Works and H I Stanagc; Caldwell and Swconey. H ( v' WESTERN LEAGUE. H . At St. 'Joseph: St. Joseph, 1; Oma- , . At Sioux City: Sioux City, 12; Dcs B Moines, H At Denver- Denver, 16; Lincoln, 5. H AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. H At Minneapolis: Kansas City, 1; HL Minneapolis, 0. H At St. Paul: St. Paul-Milwaukee; H no gamo;raIn H . At Columbus; Indianapolis, 3; Col- H umbUs, H At Toledo: lx)uisvillc, 2; Toledo, H p. , Twelve- innings. H NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. H 8eattle..6;" Portland, 2. 'v B At Seattle: - - - R H E H 'Portland ...',.. .. .2 9- 1 H 'Seattle V...f -""-."" , 6 10 B ."Batteries 'Lamllnoi-and.. (Moors: " Sago and Whallngrjii f' B , 8pokane, 5; Vancouver, 2. H At Vancouver: R H E , Spokane , 5 10 1 "Vancouver - 2 3 3 Batteries O'Loughlln and Spies-man; Spies-man; Clark and LewlH. s i At Victoria: R ' H E Tacoma 8 11 1 Victoria Z S 3 i Batteries Annls aud Shearer; Thorsen and Dcvogt. BUTTEJuESULTS BUTTE, MonL, Aug. 7. Favorites fared badly in the rnclng at the Butto Jockey club track today, second sec-ond choices and long shots having all the better of It Tho win of El Per-fecto Per-fecto of the third at 20 to 1 was the I surprise of tho day. An unlucky start lost Uio last race for tho favorite, Twilight Qucon. BUTTE, Aug. 7. Results: First race, purse, 1-year-olds Ostentatious, Os-tentatious, 3 to 1, McEwen, won, First Fashlou, 9 to 5, Coburn, second; sec-ond; Pcnang, 7 to 1, Rooney, third. Time, :5C. Mono Lako, Percy Henderson, Hen-derson, Lohlgh, Homesick, Lady Mint und Wild Fern also ran. Second race, selling, futurity courso Abound, 9 to 2, Roland, won; Koot-cnay, Koot-cnay, 3 to 1, Rooney, second; Pickaninny, Pickan-inny, C to 5, Gross, "third Time, 1:11 3-5. Tom Murphy, Decency, Frank Ferris, Wabanan, WUtnido S. also ran. Third race, selling, five and a half furlongs El Perfecto. 20 to 1, Nelson, Nel-son, won; Judith Page, 20 to 1, Cav-anaugh, Cav-anaugh, second Denecn, 10 to 1, Cotton, Cot-ton, third. Time, 1:09 4-5. Lucille Manley, Electrowan, Lee Harrison II., Anna May, Monn Lisa, Placidc und Purse Rose also ran. FVlnrth rnft Rollfnp miln nnrl (in eighth Molcsey, 7 to 10, Rooney, won; Foregiiard, 10 to 1, C,orey, second. sec-ond. Patriotic, G to 1, Kcnderls, third. Time, 157 4-5. Miss Officious, Round and Round and Luke Cates also ran. Fifth race, selling, mile Dorothy Ledgett, G to 1, Gross, won; Heretic, 9 to 2, Buxton, Becond; Tommy Me-Gee, Me-Gee, 9 to C, McEwen, third. Time, 1-41 1-5. Jack O'Lantern, Don Diaz, Tahoe and Hal also ran. Sixth race, selling, six furlongs Frank G. Hogan, 4 to 1, McEwen; Twilight Queen, 5 to 2, Rooney, second; sec-ond; Elmeta Hamilton, 8 to I, Hopkins, Hop-kins, third. Time. 1 15 1-5. Margaret, Randolph, Montauk Don, No Quarter and Fancy also ran. BOTTEJPES. BUTTE, Aug. 7. Entries for Tuesday: Tues-day: First race, five furlongs, selling, 2-year-olds Mammy, 113; Sanel, Royal Tea, 112; Free, Gomul, Masalo, Lawn, 109, Elsewhere, 10S; Love Day, 10G; Mnnasseh, 103. Second race, six furlongs, selling, 2-year-oldB aud up Barnsdale, 112, Oswald B., Js'ew Capital, Robert Mitchell, 109; Jeanette M., Acolln, Necklet, Adena, 107Wlltrudo-S., 100. Third race, futurity course, selling, 3-year-olds and up Sir Barry. 114; Novgorod, ill; Swagerlator, Gene Russell, 105; He Knows, 103; Roberta, 101. Fourth race, mile, selling, 3-year-oldB and up Zoroaster, 106; Copper-town, Copper-town, 10 i; Judge Qulnn, Lomond, 103; Black Mate, Belle Clem, 101; Fern L., 99. Fifth race, mile and 70 yards, selling, sell-ing, 3-year-olds and up Elgin, 111; Edwin T. Fryer, 110; Littleton, Lady McNally, Heine. Massa, Tho Peer, Fereno, 107; Miss Naomi, Queen Lead, 105; Abigail K, 97; Triste, 95. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling, 3-year-olds and up Charles J. Harvey, 112; Flying, Reuben, Bryce, 109; Judith Jud-ith Page, Clcnnadeane, 107, Hawley, 105; Sokol, 102; Klnfolks, Emma L,, Miss Greenwood, 100; Annie Nelson, Nel-son, 95. Apprentice allowance. Woathor clear, track slow. 6R MID CIRCUIT RESULTS CLEVELAND, Aug. 7. The opening of the grand circuit races at the North Randall track today was marred through tho inability of Uhlan, tho champion gelding, owned by C. K. G Billings of New York, to make his scheduled attempt to break the world's trotting record, to wason, of 2 minutes flat, made by Lou Dillon at Memphis, October 8, "1901. Light showers fell during the afternoon after-noon and, combined with a stiff breeze, caused a postponement of the attempt. It will be made tomorrow of the track is in condition. The big crowd of racing patrons on hand saw some flno sport, notwithstanding notwith-standing tho rain. Bookmaklng went on in the betting sheds without mo-lostatlon. mo-lostatlon. Results: The Edward stake, 212 pace, purse ' ?3,000, three heats Vernon McKInney won second and third heats. Best timo. 2.031-2. Sir R. won the first heat in 2:061-4. Peter the Second was third. First prollmlnary for tho Tavern "Steak," to be raced Friday, 2:16 trot, purse $1,000, best 2 in 3 Aegot Hal won In straight heats. Best time. 2:09 1-2. Ethel Lynn second, Chatty 'Direct third. Second preliminary for Tavern "Steak" race, to bo trotted Friday, 2:16 trot, purse 51,000, best 2 In 3 Eloctrlc Todd won second and fourth heats and ruco. Best time, 2:12 3-4 Mattle Ellorton won third heat. Time. 2:12 3-4. Sou D. third. Baron Alcyon won first heat In 2:111-4. Third preliminary for Tavern "Steak" race, to be trotted Friday. 2:16 trot, purse $1,000. best two in three Robert Milrol won in straight heats. Best time, 2:113-4. Bell Tol-lus Tol-lus second. Morning Light third. nn |