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Show SMS TESTIMONY M DISTORTED Salt Lake, Aug. 8. Tribuc: Dr. F. Moormeister, whose testimony in tho case against Mrs. Dora Topham wad made the basis for an article In the Herald-Republican to tho effect thnt Dr Moormeister hai Indirectly paid $300 to Councilman A. J. Davis hi order to securo his position as physician phy-sician In tho restricted, district, yesterday yes-terday indignantly denied that "'he had intended making any such a charge. He declared that there was no ground for placing nny such construction con-struction on his testimony, and that If any such Inference were drawn from his evidence it waB absolutely false Dr. Moormeister Is emphatic in his denial of the story. He declared that he had never had any arrangement either directly or Indirectly with Councilman Davis looking to the ap-jK)!ntmcnt ap-jK)!ntmcnt of Dr. Moormoister to tho position as physician for tho 'restricted 're-stricted district. Dr Moormeister yesterday gave to the press the following fol-lowing statement which the had prepared: pre-pared: "In Justlco to Mr. A. J. Davis and his friends, I earnestly desire to correct cor-rect tho statement published In the Hcrald-Republlcman and In which the paper published a misunderstood statement as to my evidence In the case of the State of Utah vs. Dora Topham. "The testimony does not show that my evidence In any manner placed Mr Davis In the position of having received any consideration from myself my-self or Dr. Manz, nor did Dr. Manz have any money from me with which to pay any person. "I vary earnestly regret that the name of Mr. Davis should be used in this matter, as ho was In no manner connected. "F. MOORMEISTER." Davis' Name Not Mentioned In addition. Dr. Moormeister said: "I wish to make plain my position-and position-and to assure Mr. Davis und his friends j that I had no intention' of even suggesting any such chargo as the Herald Republican has made public pub-lic I never mentioned Mr Davis' name In any part of mv testimony. Mr Bowman, v.'hc was cross-examining me, asked me vhelhcr or not I had entered into any arrangement with Dr. A E. Manz and A J. Davis whereby I was to pay $300, and I bellovo it was 10 per cent of my earnings earn-ings I replied that there was an arrangement ar-rangement but not of the nature suggested sug-gested bv Mr Bowman Had I been gUen opportunity to amplify my answer, I should have stated that whatever anmgoraent there existed was merely a private acreement be tweon iDri Manzj andm.vJielfV and that thoro was no agreement of any nnturb olther directly or.-lndirectly with Mf. Davis, and -no occasion whntevor for using ills name-In; connection, with the raattor. |