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Show ' ; ; ; " " i YT. A NATION-WIDE f 5 ' l j INSTITUTION- S ' j dllENNEYlG. "Where Savings Are Greatest" MILFORD UTAH How to Buy a SILK FROCKS Care-Free Old Age For Women- ana Misses I If you wish to be financially An ,.extra, rock is easy to independent at 60 you must manflge &t tWg pricfr buy it, exactly as you buy food, clothing or a home. A small S6.90 sum set aside from your pay envelope each week and invested invest-ed wisely, will purchase a con- HOUSE FROCKS tented old age. shppr PRINTS But how shall we begin, you SHEER PRINTS ask? Everything costs so much, Co"1 . wlth shf there is nothing left over. May sleeves nd dainty organdie we suggest that by shopping trimmings in a J. C. Penney Company yn. Store you will pay less for what ' you buy, and can save that dif- ference. Our Low Prices are MEN'S SHIRTS made by our enormous buying power, never by skimping on BROADCLOTH Quality, and when you pay Cash Fine 2x1 quality; collar at- for your purchases you can't tached. Colors, Blue, Grey, spend more than you have. and Tan J. C. Penney Co. $1.98 SAT., MATINEE & NIGHT GLEN TRYON in 'EOT HEELS' ' And the First chapter "BLAKE OF SCOTLAND YARDS" One of the best serials the Orphean! Orph-ean! has ever run. FREE SQUAKERS FOR ALL THE KIDS SUNDAY MONDAY DOLORES DEL RIO The girl who made such a hit in "Ramona" In Her Latest Success THE GATEWAY TO THE MOON' TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MILTON SILLS in THE HAWKS NEST" THURS. FRIDAY Matinee Thursday ARTHUR LAKE-MARY LAKE-MARY BRAIN In the Cartoon comedy HAROLD TEEN' I WANT ADS I u. FOR SALE OR TRADE Homestead j relinquishment, in shallow well , j pumping district, southwest of Milford. Mil-ford. Address Box 46, Milford, Utah. 7-13-tf-chg. FOR SALE 100 sheets iron, 26 inches in-ches by 8 feet. See Elam Fouts. 7-13-tf-pd. FOR SALE Used Coal Stove, excellent condition. Easy terms if desired. Telluride Power Co. 7-13-tf-chg. BUTTER WRAPPERS PRINTED to order, a hundred for SI. 30; two hundred, S1.S0; five hundred, ?3.25; a thousand, .?5.30. Sent parcel post j prepa;d where remittance accompan-I accompan-I ies order. The News, Milford, Utah I WILL trade houses or lots in Milford for California property. Also empty lots for sale. Very easy terms. $10 down, S5.00 a month. Nellie Martin, ; 24S Sinclair Ave., Glendale, Calif. j 8-10-tf-chg rIT IS STILL SUMMER AND HOT AS BLAZES SOON IT IS GOING TO BE WINTER AND COLD AS BLAZES. WHY NOT SEE US NOW for the Fall and Winter supply? We have a proposition to make you. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY, get your wants early and in time and not pay for O f PJjjr them any sooner than if you waited! V 3 THINK ' rf C0ME IN LS EX?LAIN CLINE'S j YOUR TIME IS MONEY ( AND ITS JUST TWO MINUTES WALK FROM Atkin Hotel and Cafe TO ALL THE BUSINESS HOUSES IN OUR CITY. We cater to permanent Guests The ' . WHITE MARKET "A Good Store in A Good Town" MWWlinnfT"1""'! "'TUT tiumgWW WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING ! Work Guaranteed I GORDON JEWELRY COMPANY 50 GALLONS j JdlO) li il CU I; WITH LL NEW OR USED WHIPPET, WILLYS-KNIGHT OR CHANDLER CARS PURCHASED! f, THIS OFFER GOOD TILL AUGUST 15 TERMS AND TRADES. OUR USED CARS ARE THE BEST AT THE PRICE, j'l ! TEN PER CENT OFF on all tires and Tubes During This Kale We make a SPECIALTY of OIL CHANGES and SERVICING your cars V. WILLYS-WHIPPET DEALER AT- f Why-Not Service Station (THE ONLY DRIVE-IN SERVICE STATION IN MILFORD) ij t ' ' ' ' ' .111" , " t p Mi-ir run n-ir -r -- - i ' ' 1 " n-ii'-.T ''ii'"h 1 i':v"-'' - L |