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Show i THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM, UTAH -- -l child leave footprints on the sands of time, guard your foot-prints carefully- - That we ought to have a warm spring after all the hot air that has been spouted at Capitol Hill the past six weeks. That social graces are natur-al to women but a man never really shines in society unless he has a bald head. I Did It Ever j Occur to You That the old adage "People ; who live in glass houses should - not throw stones" is just as '. true today as in days of yore. a ; That "Man's inhumanity to. ! man still make countless thou- - sands mourn." , That many of Bingham's old-tim-e miners hold responsible mining positions throughout the country because of their effi- - ciency. i i That no matter what you i think of the taste of a young , man who gets married these ( days, you can't help but admir-ing his nerve. I That a jury recently found a woman guilty of first-degr- ee murder for killing her own hus-band just fancy, only her own husband. . . . That when a man picks up the Sunday papers which he has scattered all over the house, he begins to imagine he is a great help to the housewife. That hyprocritical religion never got any man very far, there is always someone who knows quite a little of their past. That it would seem more ad-visable for some people to give more of their attention to im-mortality than to immorality. That Steve Maloncy advocat-ed through the "Telegram" to move the Liberty Park Zoo up to the Capitol Hill, say Steve don't you think if they moved just that one cage which they have at the Zoo and turn them loose that it would take quite a scientist to pick out one from the other? That there has been no rush of ether nations to settle their accounts with the United States on the British basis- - That according to the big book, Christ drove the money-changers out of the temple, but they are back. That one thing that keeps the world from settling down is the fact that the people in it won't settle up. That Deputy Sheriff Ade Heaston proved his efficiency as a slueth the past week when he recovered a diamond ring that was borrowed by a young man from a young lady and never returned, the young lady moved to Montana, and notified the Sheriffs office, the ring and the man was located in Nevada. He willingly handed back the ring and said he had no intentions to keep it. www That Jim's O'd Place with Bill Kruegel as chef is beginning to assume one of its old-tim- e live-ly appearances, if you don't be-lieve it ask the lady in green. mm That a kiss is one thing young people don't have to learn to like, as in the case of toma-toes or olives. That if nothing else living from hand to mouth is exciting. That if half starved children won't stop war in Europe why should we send money there to carry on the slaughter. m m m That every man, woman and I JOHN EVERSON ; i: Painter and Paperhanger ; ii . ; ; Call or Leave Orders at '. ii The Modern Hotel j Main Street : ' ii jf ify tji 4 "J 41 fr''Jt'S'ttiJi'j - ' i . -- ffi : California Hotel Board and Room STEAM HEAT AND BATHS Italian Cooked Meals JAMES ROLANDO, Prop. MAIN ST. BINGHAM i !j Say In With j Flowers :: j,-;- : r ; ; Give us your orders for j; H kinds of cut flowers, f potted plants and ferns I ;: NEIL O'DONNELL " j ' Phone 17 t . X Matt Contralto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE j Long or Short Haulage ' i Felice you can derond upm Thone 124 Main Street J SPECIAL! j M Remember St. Patrick's nav with Green Carna-- tions. " NEIL O'DONNELL i Phone 17 1 a D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-de-rs and Drafts Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent Banking Headquarters - Make our bank your financial headquarters visit us often and consult us freely. If you can dismiss from your mind the fact that our - only function is to accept deposits and pay checks, we can greatly increase our value to each other. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS L. S. Cates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong 1st Vice Pres. C. E- - Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier Strength and Your Foundation Solid foundations are necessary for tall skyscrap ters or they would fall Men who would succeed must have a safe and sound start or they would fail and go backwards. Start to succeed by saving NOW at The Central Bank of Bingham Bingham, Canyon, Utah SERVE BREAD Have you ever sat down to a table where no Bread ; was served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal seemed! Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of economy to-da- y. GOOD BREAD is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's so delicious. Fresh every hour. STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., Phone 187 BINGHAM CANYON LAEIK MERCADTILE General Merchandise Fresh and Cured Meats Lark, Utah Jerome BOURGARD The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where you can always rely on getting the BEST of MEATS FISH and FOWL- - PHONE 5 ALWAYS THE BEST WWM Ill M iM WALNUT CAFE 44A Little Better Than Good Enough Private Tables for Ladies 62 East Second South St. Salt Lake Cily, Phone Was. 10254 i Study. Our Adsl ' John A, Warmack !" CANDIES & CONFECTIONERY j Fountain Goods of K Kinds Evcrythig in the Tobacco Line, We came West to take a Chance BROADWAY at West Temple 80 West 3rd So. St. Phone Was. 8131 SaU Ijlke Clly JACK'S PLACE G. M. Gregory, Prop. We Serve the Best of Everything Soft Drinks and Eats Phone Wasatch 2881 77 Wet 2nd SouthSt. S.M, U,,, city I A Foreign Entanglement. "My boy writes me that he has Joined a Greek letter society at col-lece- ," remarked the self-mad- e man. "It's the Alpha, Gamma, Lamma or something like that. I'm going to give him a piece of my nilnd." "What for?" "I don't want any boy of mine Join-ing one of those foreign organizations. And, besides, everybody knows Greece is in a had way." ISirminghum Age-llurai- Mercury Cleans Rifle Barrels. It has been found that mercury can be used very effectively to clean rlile barrels. The end of the barrel is tightly corked, and about one-ha- lf fluid ounce of mercury Is poured In. Then, after the other end Is corked, the barrel is slowly tipped from end to end a number of times. The mer-cury amalgamates with the lead ad-hering to the Inside of the rifle bar-rel. Popular Mechanics Magazine. TOWN OF BINGHAM ORDINANCE No. 36 Relating to Fires and Opera-tions of the Fire Department BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Bingham Canyon, Utah; That Bingham Volunteer Fire Department is hereby created and shall consist of two compan-ies which shall be known as "Company Noj 1" and "Com-pany No. 2." That each Company shall have a membership of not to exceed fifty members. That each Company shall have authority to organize its members into sub-stati- ons if necessary or advisable. That each Company shall elect its captain and other officers as set forth in its Constitution and By-La- ws which shall be approv-ed by the Town Board of Trus-tees. That Company No. 1 shall have exclusive jurisdiction at all fires occuring within that part of the Town lying South of the southern boundary line of the Central School House lot, said imaginary line to extend in an easterly and westerly direction to the corporate limits if the Town. That Company No. 2 shall have exclusive jurisdiction at all fires occuring within the Town lying North of the aforesaid di-viding line. That the Town Marshal and members of the Police Force upon arrival at a fire shall be under the immediate direction of the Commanding Fireman, the said Commanding Fireman shall have authority of a Police Officer until arrival of an Offi- - L cer of the law. That the Fire Companies shall -- have exclusive right of way while going to a fire.' That the Commanding Fire-man with the President or two members of the Town Board of Trustees: Provided, that in the absence of the President or members of the Board the Com-manding Fireman shall use his judgment) shall have the au-thority to remove any building or other obstruction that may be deemed necessary to check the progress of a fire. The town to b responsibl for destruction of property in compliance with this ordinance. Passed on Roll Cail vote Oc-tober 9th, 1907. |