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Show Salt Lake City Finns Te SHare prompt service and qolek rttarns te thai drartucntnU menUea the nam et this piper. ABRAMS ELECTRONIC METHODS Blood diagnosis & O'dlloclmt treatment. Writ for appointment Dr. G. S. Airey, 803 Jutlg Bid KODAKS Sand Us Your Films "VKI.VKTONK" PlnMibig Prnfrsmnnii I nnil Amite"r Supplies SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. C-italn Krm. 7I So Miiln St, FURS BTOKED AND REPAIRED CorferMies Vlifrs bring; In your Purs for Remodeling Re-modeling snd Stnrmte. Raw Furs Tanned. Coty Kur Shop, 7 E. Bdwy. BUSINESS COLLEGES L. D. B. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of Efficiency. All tfommerelst branch, ' CaUloi free. CO N. Main St., Salt Lake City. CAFETERIA Conference rialtnri will feel at home catina- at the Knnn Cafeteria, Main and 2nd So. To blockt ouih of Temple. Extra Co (Tea Free, tiAnv CHICKS Baby Chirk. Farm railed, hmky little fellows, alao chick feed A garden aeeda. Vogeler Seed Co. FRUIT BOXES AND VEGETABLE CRATES All kind Berry Cupe. Butter A F,p Caaes Bee. hive A Honey Ca-a. Baby Chick Cratn. Quota, lions on requeat Salt Lake Bos A I.br. Co. BEAUTY HINTS Face Powders Cream, e'c. Ha'r goods man, fjrtured. Mail orders Riven special attention. Marincllo Biauty Shoppe, 401 Clift Bid. PORTABLE BUILDINGS nARAINK8Any make car. Chlca-n Cooneai Out Buildings. Write for prices. Bower Bldg.C RUBBER STAMPS AND BTENClLt SaU snd "V" Tss-s Msd.. SeY fn, ..mnlT prices, ne. Salt Lake Htamp Co. t West Bdwy. CHIROrRACTIC AND PRUCLE8S HEALER P. Myion Kdlinu. D. C. 14 So. Main, rrn 10?." Mrs. 1 to I P. M. Across from Z. C. M. L MCYCXEB AND ACCESSORIES Hudaon nirycl. Br t -rr!e. ,, P,vm,. Ca. ! free. Kniid,n Novelty Sport' Goods Co. BOOKS AND"THORTim)luES " Tn tK f HOOI.a f ism we. jH L'.'es'lMreet. Suit Ukr Clt " Why pay ths dr aler4DerMiLTiT7!!T tZJ?Ji M-nrnobK: lh.vr,oilbk-k"t on. for Dod or Fr.nJliT If .ftS writ. as. r.very hatlery we sell I. M t4 Why pax more? Kami lighting- hatf,t,. COSTUMES j..uI,Vr.1;,i1ta01 |