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Show NEW TAXES FOR THE BRAZILIANS j .moy start toward rehahllltutlon. Consumption tuxes Iiuve liem placed on butter, cheese, coffee, cunnt-il food Rtu'ffs, while tuxes on clgnrs, tolmcco, perfumes, .liquors iind dry goods In general have been Increased 2 ppr rent. Elertrlc H'ht unit power now roine under n tnx; Imported goods uill be B'itiJ(,t to nn ndditlon of 5 per cent In duty. Customs duties must tie pnid nt lenst CO per cent In p.dd, ncrord;ns to the new ruling. This Is expected to reduce the nmount of paper money la circulation. Covcrnment to Take Part of Income and Higher Cusoms flalea In New Arrangement, UIi J;ino!ro, Urnzll. Imposition f nd.tlor.:il luxes, nnd for the- first ti: ie In Itrti7.il nn Income tax, litis ndilcd to tlic cost of living, "nnd luin's f.r.'iziilans to n fall reallsnti'm of the ;'.;)';n 'Ir.tf t. r;ry of tbe last ndmlnistra-tlon. ndmlnistra-tlon. Having Ui nced merrily for four F years under the I'essou rule, Kruzll Is now forced to my the piper. President Ilerniirdes unj his cabinet, cabi-net, faced by tin empty treasury, nnd with the principal and Interest on foreign for-eign loans comlns; due, lmve Increased In-creased custom duties nnd old tux rates, end are Imposing taxes on nr-tie'es nr-tie'es tlmt in the pust have been exempt ex-empt In ordur thut the jrovcrn.uent |