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Show BUSINESS MEN LIKE OTHERS Somewhat Prevalent Error Is In Considering Con-sidering Them to Bs Something of a Race Apart Orators and literary folk of a certain cer-tain widespread school seem to Imagine Imag-ine that business men are all alike; that Is, dishonest and prosperous from robbing the poor. The truth Is many business men are themselves poor. Many of them fall because of unreliability, Idleness, exti'uvugunce, luck of Intelligence. Business men are like any other cluss of men; some of them capable, reliable, Industrious and successful, and some of them the reverse. Thousands of proletarians are In business, busi-ness, us thousands of our best men are working for wages and In training to occupy the big positions and enjoy en-joy the big Incomes. In any group of business men, most of them do not amount to much, us is the cuse In any other group. The rich were robbed In Itusslu because they were urlsio-crats urlsio-crats by birth. It cannot be done In the United States because here the well-to-do come up from the ranks, and are the best fighters as well as the best money maker. From E. W, Howe's Monthly. |