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Show Happenings in and A round Bingham Mr. Stork has been busy amongst the people of Bingham the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Cotter are tickled over the arrival of a dandy baby boy and Mr. and Mrs-Dave Mrs-Dave Lyon are none the less tickled over the bright little boy deposited by Mr Stork with them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brenzinger thinks their little girl is one of the Storks sweetest sweet-est gifts. The D. & R. G. passenger train on returning to Salt Lake City on Tuesday morning ran over sixteen pigs owned by Carl Amicone, they were walking walk-ing on the tracks of the D. & R. G, on their way to the city garbage pile when the killing occured. The Copperfield Community Club will meet for another of their big celebrations on Friday, Fri-day, March the 16th to commence com-mence at 8 o'clock. There will be dancing to be followed by a luncheon. Everyone is invited to attend. H. P. O'Gorman. engineer at the Highland Boy fell on the ice while returning from work on Saturday morning and broke his ankle. He is now a patient at the Bingham Hospital. Dick Symons who has been in the Ophir district for some time engaged in mining arrived in Bingham on Thursday and will visit with his friends here for awhile. "Preacher" Williams, one of the old-timers of Bingham came down to town on Wednesday after af-ter spending several months around the United States Mining Min-ing properties. The Copperfield Young Men's Club will give one of their popular pop-ular dances at the I. O- O. F hall in Copperfield on Monday, March the 12th. They have secured se-cured the services of "The Paramount Para-mount Five" one of Salt Lake's new Orchestra's which have proven very popular. Dick Hocking an employee of the United States Mining Co. on Monday last sustained a broken rib through being caught between be-tween the ore cars and the posts of the drift. He is at the Bingham Hospital undergoing treatment. Eli Baker while at work at the U. S. Sawmill on Friday severely cut the thumb of his left hand, he was immediately attended to at the Bingham hospital hos-pital and held for fear of the injured member becoming in-fetced. in-fetced. The special mission which has been given at the Holy Rosary Church the past two weeks and charge of the Rev. Father Conway Con-way of Pennsylvania has proven highly successful. Father Conway Con-way will commence similar services ser-vices at the Cathedral of the Madeline at Salt Lake City which will run from March 11th to the 25th. ' The Rev. Father Ryan of the Holy Rosary Church of Bingham Bing-ham lectured before -the Knights of Columbus Club at Salt Lake City on Tuesday evening eve-ning on "Christianity and History." His-tory." Special services have been given the past week at the M. E. Community Church by Mission-er Mission-er Fred Eberhardt, although Mr. Eberhardt has been wrongly wrong-ly quoted in one of his sermons of the past week it has been conclusively proven his attempt was rather to boost than to do any material damage. Carl Horst and S. A. Hanson of Salt Lake City was in Bingham Bing-ham this week they are selling lots in Steel City, which property proper-ty is within a few feet from the great Steel plant that i3 being erected in Utah county. |