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Show I 1 ; : I. THE BINGHAM NEWS ' ; ; OUR COMIC SECTION I ENGINEER SAYS IT IS WORLD-BEATE- R "My Digestion Is Sound as a Do-llar Since Taking Tanlac," De-clares Buffalo Citizen. "There Is no doubt about It, Tanlac does all they clulm tt will do and more,'' was the. positive statement made recently by Richard II. Lawson, well-know- n engineer, of 1007 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. "I used Tanlac for a combination of troubles and It put me In splendid condition all the way round. First, I had a bad case of stomach trouble, was simply chock full of sourness and gas, had a general distressed feeling and ft burning pain In my stomach that I couldn't get rid of. With my appe-tite wrecked and digestion gone, I be-came awfully weak, nervous and run down and could get scarcely any rest or sleep at all. "Tanlac answered every demand made upon It In my case and today my digestion is sound as a dollar, I have an Immense appetite, and with every ache and pnln gone, I am sleep-ing fine and feeling strong and ener-getic as of old. Tanlac is 100 good." Tanlac Is for snle by all good drug-gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. Advertisement. SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insistl Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions foe Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism ' Neuritis Lumbago ; Neuralgia Pain, Pain ( v Accept only "Payer" package which contains proper directions.'' ; ; Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. I Important to Mother Aiplila li U mil mark ot Bar" lUnofMtura of UonoMsUoaelduMr of BiUcjUomkJ. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOltlA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the j? T Signature of OtSCPtJi In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria CMTOATOM! 7i Take a good dose of Carter's little Liver Pills '. lrADTFD'l thentake2or3forafewnightsafter.They wIttiitr c'eans yof system of all waste matter and A H INZER Relate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to t A H pILLS take as sugar. cwn Uat ittnaiutts&-?&-C I'wm'I I Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. ' Freshen a heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl-cur- a Talcum I'owder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Advertisement m naturally Vitamin and mineral elements are There's a crispness and flavor i part of the splendid nutriment that delight the taste and there's which Nature stores in the field natural health-buildin- g goodness grains for nourishing and vitalizing thaf makes Grape-Nut- s with cream , the human body. or milk a complete food and won- - Grape-Nut- s, made from wheat derfully deliciousl end malted barley, has for over twenty five years supplied vitamin Grape-Nut- s is truly economical and other elements necessary fur because a small quantity providca ; perfect nutrition. unusual nourishment. l; GrapeNnts mu 111 "There's a Reason9 N-- - Sold by grocers everywhere! , . JUJI - ia"S$?-- - Msds by PontumCCreereeki.1, MOiucnhp. any, (no. CS I; fir Nothing Doing f ; wl 1 p y P SUPf 6RIN6, b HERE fO 1 1 i OP Wltrt A HALFWMmm rW J&j A Isn't there likelihood of some prej-udices proving themselves to be noth-ing but snobbery? Beware of the pensive maid, young man; she Is apt to develop Into an expensive wife. His Defense. "Now here," said the agent, "Is a fine farm of 1C0 acres of lund In a fine district, and" "Why do you say 'acres of land?'" Interrupted the fussy customer. "Whrt kind of acres are there except of land?" "Well," said the agent. "I once got Into n lot of trouble for selling a stranger ICO ncres of water, and now I'm taking no chances." Kansas City Star. BUSINESS MEN LIKE OTHERS Somewhat Prevalent Error Is In Con-sidering Them to Bs Something of a Race Apart Orators and literary folk of a cer-tain widespread school seem to Imag-ine that business men are all alike; that Is, dishonest and prosperous from robbing the poor. The truth Is many business men are themselves poor. Many of them fall because of unreliability, Idleness, exti'uvugunce, luck of Intelligence. Business men are like any other cluss of men; some of them capable, reliable, Industrious and successful, and some of them the reverse. Thousands of proletarians are In busi-ness, us thousands of our best men are working for wages and In training to occupy the big positions and en-joy the big Incomes. In any group of business men, most of them do not amount to much, us is the cuse In any other group. The rich were robbed In Itusslu because they were urlsio-crat-s by birth. It cannot be done In the United States because here the well-to-d- o come up from the ranks, and are the best fighters as well as the best money maker. From E. W, Howe's Monthly. Hearkm to li 1 f:j L 1 U , P ow-h--h 60S gOODj A HOW PHONE SYSTEM BEGAN Thers Were Only Eight Subscriber and the Switchboard Was by Way of a Joks. One switchboard, with a rapacity ot eight subscribers' stations that wa the beginning of telephone service, the ' first step toward the commercial ds velopment of the late Alexander Gra ham Bell's now famous Invention. A ' crude switchboard hud been used la j Boston In 1877, hut only for expert j mentul and demonstration purposes, , Its chief function was to convince the lieople of Boston and casuul visitor of the utility of the telephone and of Its future possibilities, says Telephone . I 'res Service. ' The uncestor of the modern commer-cial telephone switchboard was h stalled In New Haven, Conn., In 1878. ' From its eight lines has been evolved the network of wires and cables which ' covers the country from coast to coast ' From a single switchboard the num , her of central ufllees within a city ha Increased to over 100. From less than a dozen subscribers' stations, the total within the limits of a single city ha mounted In several cases to over 100 000 and In one case to over 1,000.000. Under one roof as many as 20,000 line ' are switched and centrul ; office ar 4 now planned with a capacity of mor than double that number. Insane Artists. There Is on Insane asylum at Hei-delberg, Germany, where, at the pres. ent time a very Interesting nrt ex-hibition Is being held. Some excellent canvases, plecos of sculpture, and a few charming mosaics are being shown. All the works of art at the exhibi-tion are the creations of the Inmates of the asylum. Most of them are first attempts. In fact, several of the ex-hibitors have learned the art of paint-ing and sculpture In the asylum itself. It Is siild that the exhibition reveals some work of unusual promise and Is particularly "sane" In suhjeyt and ex-ecution. It Is apparent that the In-sane at the Heidelberg Institution hnve not espoused "dadalsm" the "dad'!" and kindred schools evidently appeal-ing only to those gentlemen and ladles who are In full possession of their senses. Keep It Running Free. Pawn brings the milkman, hut the milk of human kindness should be kept on tap during the entire day. Tumpu Tribune. Standing Alone. "lie says he stands on his own ree ' ord." "That may be; but every on Explicit eise Is Jumping on It." , Sweet Thing "I wunt some cigar ettes for my aunt." Clerk "Virginia?" "No, Lucy." i Fault-findin- g women frequently step on their own corns. ' Oh, You Cheater, Felix I J ive Run touo (JaTm-- co on in tc ee. M I HI I Hdam up now and I 'IftyVT tj AMD TAKE IT - YOU MAVtKT MAO ONE. i GE.T IN TriEffE. 1 WONT 8 r I I t ( NOvu AREJT VQO oh eov f a 6AurM Clad i rADE ttou i S UOE-- DO MAKE ONE Tk iT j f " |