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Show Commandents. We may next read that Elijah's chariot of fire was only the dream of some movie director. We mean no Sacrilege by this statement and we presume neither did Dr. Grant or Rabbi Wise. If the church cannot agree on a confession of faith, how can it expect the world at large to practise one? ' There is much good the church can do in the world, but it must set its house in order. It seems one of the first things the church must realize is that salvation is no longer a matter of creed so much as a matter of principle. Editorial WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE CHURCH Why is the Church exercising exercis-ing less influence each year on the lives of men? These are questions which are being ask-' ask-' ed every day, and usually you'll get a different answer from every listener. Of course it's always the fault of the world. But could it not be the fault of the Church. One Sunday we read of Dr. Grant Denying the virgin birth , of Christ, the next Sunday we , read of Rabbi Wise ridiculing the story of Moses and the Ten |