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Show River Line Increases Price of Wheat THERK Is only one water course In the entire country which can he utilized profitably under the present "unfair" division of Interchange freight revenue between mil and water companies. com-panies. In thc opinion of the fcdernl Inlund end coastwise wuterways service. serv-ice. Hut In the government's experiment on that one the Mississippi river this bureau claims the wafer transportation transpor-tation has been so successful that It bus Increased the prl 'e of wheat In cei tain primary markets. ISut Chicago In not one of them. Its connecting wnter-wy wnter-wy between Lnckport and the Mississippi Missis-sippi has not been constructed. Further, the boat line between St. t.ou!s and New Orleans on thP Missis, slppl which Pemit'ir M"C'orm!ck proposes pro-poses k ibstnntlally to Improve by a Mil -re.iented to congress, claims to ! have nint'Tlally lowered die freight i (I'MTes on eortiUii Imports hist year. Amontt those nn1 JVIKW tons or simar fjii 2..VD .ms of mohisses imi'I sirup 1 frn:n ('ii'i:i, -O.O'V tons of roi'fee from ! rentral and South Am-riea, 11 0:;;) ! tons ..f finl from V Hi t ;.i ii. and .'(".(in) ! tuns of burlap from I.; tin. A l..r,'o l pcre-l,fi?e of tho.c i;-. 'e,,t'i v. . a' j to tbe ('111' .u;o biilfstri: I (h-tiict. Col. T. O. ANhburu vi the waterways service says to the secretary of war: "As for the wheat carried during the year, It Is but a beginning, but the service l.ns carried approximately 1.-(KX),010 1.-(KX),010 bushels a month. The saving of the hnrK" line's rate Is 3 cents per bushel under the nll-rnll rate from St. Louis to the gulf. The operation of tho service Is therefore responsible for a direct Increase of 3 cents per bushel to the price ps.ld to the fanners emii iima'h for at least 1,0(I'iikk bushels. "Tlv efYrt K lio.vever, much mora ar-rene!iii.g. The price bid eio'h on for the exportable sii'iiiin pv-s th' price that il.iy for nil p'ir. lann, hoth cspo't I. ml (inme;i', SIo the pi o:,rerei.' tavln;: of " ccnis pi r b.j.-hel t!,-er.'!. ' t! o-.er:it'ol of thl I'llle !s ,! ' rc (let r(.(l to ,'! com! -.ensu ' . c nvi-.tl i. i t UiCi pl i. Oo." I |