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Show American Explorers Helped. The British occupation of Palestine to the present time has proved of greater usefulness to American explorers ex-plorers ti) an to those of the mandatory manda-tory power. The work at Belsan Is only a commencement of American researches In the Holy Land. The famous fa-mous historical sites of Taannch and i Megiddo have been allocuted provl- sionally to two other American unl- versitles; while a third university, that of Harvard, lias obtained a renewed re-newed concession for the site of Snmorla, where, previous to the war, they had disclosed Imposing Roman ruins of the period of Herod, and earlier remains down to that period In Jewish history when Ahob first established estab-lished on that site the capital of Israel. While British universities have been slow to respond to the grent op-portunlty op-portunlty which now lies open, there Is, at nn.v rote, much satisfaction to be derived from the Increasing activity activ-ity on the part of American colleges. col-leges. Harmony and enthuslosm prevail, and the friendly rivalry thus established Is a healthy and helpful stimulus. |