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Show Much Lejlslation Wanted. Measures revommeinled by ttie I.elrm I nxlliary at the next session of congress con-gress made public ut Hie re-en t meet-ns meet-ns of the Auxiliary's national exectl-I'.ve exectl-I'.ve cotiimlttee iiiclude all legislation for dNnblcd ctcnins. the Ihirsnm liill onubliiig for the rt'tiicinciit of dis-itilei) dis-itilei) cmcr'eiuy oliU ers en Hie same iatin in leLvilar urn y ers, the five foi l (nU-.stej rnipe,s:it:.m bill, : ri ! ion to oht.i ii ;n o;ier civil sen ice legislation 'o pKCccl the Interest of cteraiM. rc-trnti-n of lmnil(;-utloO slid the &li!p subsiidj' bilL |