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Show This is your corner. Make use of it for information on questions which are puzzling you. It will be a pleasure and privilege to answer carefully care-fully and promptly all questions submitted to me, except those seeking medical med-ical advice. Names and addresses of business firms cannot be printed here, but will be sent if a self-addressed, stamped envelope accompanies the request. re-quest. For a personal reply send stamped envelope. Questions must be limited to two, and name and address must accompany each letter. All communications com-munications are held strictly confidential. Address letters very plainly, with pen and ink, to Helen Brooks, Box 1515, Salt Lake City, Utah. In requesting poems and sorts, the correct title, the first line, or the author is necessary in order to find them. ,tjljc. (in n. Dear Miss Brooks: fecf I would like to ask ya Otton. 1 ' have been going with a Hffht complex J loned fellow, who appears very nice. Bui I quit him and went with a dark com-plexioned com-plexioned fellow for a while. He didn't take to me much and would not go with ma any more. Now I have neither fellow. fel-low. What would you do to win them back? Thanking you In advance, 1 remain, re-main, an old maiil, GWENIVERE J., Logan, Utah. I do not think you should waste your time worrying about either of thes boys. Why should you, when It Is evident evi-dent they do not care to go .with yout My dear, are you not too young to b thinking so much about the boys, anyway? any-way? Forget them and turn your attention atten-tion to your school, and other work which Is so necessary Just now for your development Into future happiness and good. I think you have many years yet to travel before reaching old malddom, and even should you reach this slate, there are fates far worse, 1 assure you. Dear Miss Brooks: I have been reading your eorner ana think it is very interesting. Would you please answer a few questions for meT (1) I have a number of quit small moles on my face. Will you pleas tell me how to gat rid of them? I hav a girl friend who has an eruption on her face. 1 think it Is called acne. (2) Would 1 get this eruption by kissing or having my face near hers? 1 wish t thank you very much. DOT I. Utah. Moles are a very difficult proposition, and the electric needle Is about the only means of eradicating these pests, but even this does not aiways bring good results, so 1 advise you to forget thera-Insofar thera-Insofar as yo.i can, and not worry over them. (2) I would not advise that you come In contact with this condition In any way. If your friend cares to send me her name, 1 can give her very good-method good-method of removing this coadltlon. Dear Miss Brooks: I have also been a reader of your corner cor-ner and have found It Interesting. (1) I was born on August 17. 1000. What are my colors, flowers, day. What day was I born on. (2) What Is the nwst proper answer to a boy friend when h asks for a dance? After dancing Is It your place or his to give thanks? DOLL 13. Utah. (1) Tou were born on Tuesday, Dollle, and Sunday seems to be your day, January Jan-uary and October the months; color red and green; your flower is the morning morn-ing glory. (2) You may aay, "Yes, X can give you this dance," or "I will b very pleased to dance this with you," or any similar manner of accepting hi Invitation. Th young man thanks yo for the dance, although thanking you la so many words Is not exactly necessary. You may express mutual pleasure. "Be Pbotwrsphed on Your Birthday." Monm Studios, 167 Vi So. Main, Salt Lake. Ad. questions for me, and please have them In the paper next Saturday if possible. (1) Would you please give some good club names and their meaning. (2) What would be the simplest way to get rid of blackheads on the nose? (3) Is It all right to accept a present from a boy If you are 15 years old. Wishing you success, I remain, TOBBIE. Logan, Utah. Welcome, Tobble, dear. Your letter has to take Its turn In the paper, but If you send your name as requested with your letter, I will make every effort to answer as soon as possible. You do not say anything about what kind of a club you have In mind, so I am too much in the dark to answer Intelligently. Tell me all about It when you send for your answer for the second question which I will answer personally. (3) It Is never proper or all right to accept expensive gifts from boys at any age, only candy, books, flowers and such things are permissible. per-missible. Dear Miss Brooks: Would you please answer a few questions ques-tions for us? (1) What are the lucky and unlucky days and months for one born May 8, and also for February 3? (2) And also what colors are suitable for a girl with light brown hair and brown eyes; and for one with dark brown hair and blue eyes. O) And Is It Improper for a girl to wear a boy' rings? HOPE AND FAITH. Downey, Idaho. (1) For one whose birthday Is In the month of May, Saturday Is thought to be lucky, and November and April the months. For February Saturday Is also th day and April and August th months. (2) If th skin Is smooth and free from blemishes, browns, light Dear Miss Brooks: May I ask you a few questions? I think you are a very nice and wise woman. wo-man. (1) Is It correct for a young lady to extend her hand to a boy friend or young man when greeting them? (2) I m 13 years of age and weigh 110 lbs.. I have been wearing braids around my head with a ribbon at the back, but my father does not like to see a ribbon. Could I comb It some way without a ribbon so It would look nice? BUliBLIiS. Treasureton, Idaho. Bubbles dear, you will notice in the rules governing this corner that you ar allowed but two questions ,so please send your other later won't you? (1) Girls your age do not shake hands when being Introduced. (2) There Is no pretliir, girlish style of dressing the hair, than to arrange It t..comlngly about yt.u'- face, straight back, side part, etc., depending upon the shape of your face. Braid it a few Inches and fasten with a barrette, leaving th curled ends free. COUNTRY HILL BILL Sorry, Bill, but you will have to atate your questions ques-tions mora clearly before I can give you an Intelligent aniwer. Also give your nam and addrese. JUNE BUG, Pinto, Ut. Your "Lullaby" "Lulla-by" may be had now from th music shop. Th price is 15 cents. I will send It to you If you wish. Dear Miss Brooks: 1 would Ilk to ask you a question r two. My father let m take his car about every night, and of course all th boy ar Jealous, because their girl go car riding with me. What would you do, keep friends with th boys, or have your pick of th girls? I love a girl who I very pretty; 1 have been taking her out, but she goes with another boy. What would you do, let this continue, or quit herf Thanking you very much, DEAN M. (1) I think It a great mistake that you have the car nearly every night. In th first place, for It I quit evident you ar too young to be out that much at night and also too young to be paying pay-ing so much attention to the girls. And If having the "pick of the girls" depends de-pends upon having an automobile, do you think they would be dependable friends should you be deprived of this luxury? "Pretty Is as pretty does," you know, and If you look only for beaut" of face you will probably receive m.iy disappointments. 1 advise every boy and girl who Is old enough to no together to-gether In a social way to enjoy i. many friends a they wish. It Is not a good practice to think there trust be a "steady." Dear Miss Brooks: 1 have been reading your corner for a long time, so have decided to Join It, hoping that I am welcome. I am a girl age 14 years, blue eyes and brown hair, and 1 am going to ask you to help me out through my young life, by answering answer-ing a few questions. (1) Is It bad luck to put an umbrella up in the house snd to break a mirror, and such things? (2) Is It proper or Improper to go with blues, orange, bright reds, Jade green and pink should look welt- with-the dark eyes and light hair; while deep, soft shades of blue, yellow, grays, shades of alvender, dark brown and black would be lecomlng to the one with brown hair and blue eyes. (3) No, It Is not Improper to wear a boy' ring, If you wish to. Dear Miss Brooks: I have written to you before and was pleased with the answers to my questions, ques-tions, so 1 am going to ask some more. (1) I am a girl of 12 years. I am four feet eight Inches tall. How much should I weigh? (2) How old should a girl be before eh writes to a boy? Hoping to hear from you soon, I am as ever, your friend, MIS3 PINK P.0SE, Clear Lake, Utah. I am glad to hear from you again. Pink Rosa. (1) You should weigh about HO pounds, dear. (2) This depends. If his family ar old friends of your family, fam-ily, a girl and boy correspondence at your age Is permissible. 1 would not advise It otherwise, until you are a very grown-up young lady say sixteen. If you will write me again and send your name I will be glad to give you the information concerning th eyebrows. Dear Miss Brooks: Thanks very much for personal answer an-swer to my letter which I wrote you more than a mouth ag-o. Here I a stamped envelope In return. 1 was so benetlted by your letter I am going to ask a few more questions If you don't mind. (1) I It proper for an engaged couple to sit on one another' laps in th presence of their brothers and sisters? sis-ters? (2) Is It proper to allow a boy to put his arm around you If you have gone with him about two months and If you like him real well? In your tetters to other girls I not that you advise them not to go with on steady fellow unless engsged, but to have several different dif-ferent ones. I have always been advised ad-vised differently from that, and have been told It Is not good form to go with more than one, and people would make th remark that she would go with anyone who would ask her. Will you please explain this matter to me? Now my dear Miss Brooks, I hope I am not Intruding Thanking you very much In advance and hoping I am not too much bother, 1 am. nlneteen-vesr-old M I IX 3 ET. Meridian. Ida. It make my heart glad to know you have received help la any way from my letters. (1) No dear. It Is never proper to art as you describe, whether In the presence of others or alone. Simply because be-cause one is eiiKiiged does not permit of such familiarity. (2) Neither does acquaintance ac-quaintance of two months' standing allow such privileges as you mention In question number two. (1 Iris should make a strenuous effort to entertain their young mt-n friends In such a manner thut they do not feel It necessary neces-sary to resort to this medium of entertainment enter-tainment (?) I most certainly do not advlne girls of 10 to 1!) years of sue allowing one boy to monopolize their attention. You have been advised Incorrectly. In-correctly. You can choose your friends Just as carefully In this manner as by having but one. During these years you are enjoying to the fullest your (irlliond. and by associating with all th desirable boy friends of your acquaintance acquaint-ance you learn their dispositions, their good and bad qualities, and if. during these years you find a congenial spirit among them, well and good, for you are then old enoua-h to think about love, not before. Hut If you go with on boy steadily when very young, you ara more than apt to Imagine yourself In love very soon, without giving yourself a chance to know es-ough boys well enough to really know your own mind I ainierely hope this will also help you. boy friend to a house party or a school party? If all th girls ar going what can you do? It Is real hard to go alone. Wishing you lots of success. 1 remain, PEOUT. Garland. Utah. My dear Peggy, right now befor you go further In your young life do not place any confidence In luck, good or bad, for all these old superstitions about good or bad luck coming from breaking a mirror, raising an umbrella In th house, black cats, etc., are pur "bunk" and nothing else. (2) Fourteen Is quit too young to go with boys regularly. regu-larly. For a boy friend to accompany you to a party at the horn of a friend occasionally la permissible, but no public pub-lic affairs, Peggy, for a few more year. TOPSY, Utah. Her Is perhaps th song you asked for soma time sgo. It cam all th way from Oold Run, Calif., for us: There' a pretty spot In Ireland, Where little cottsg stands, A rustic home I cherished all mv life. It' old-fashioned, rough and dingy, But waa built by honest hands, And what a lovely Jewel lived Inside. It was not a costly Jewel Which the wealth of gold could buy. Rut a tender-hearted lassie. With fond love-light In her eyes, 0 my heart. It grows impatient And I have no peace of mind. For I long to see the girl 1 left behind. Chorus A little brown cottage, A shady green spot. No happier home could I flnd. My heart's fnlrly gone, Kor I love only one, She's the girl 1 left behind. When I first met charming Nora, It was on one moonlight night. With the ld- and lassies gathered on the green, It's the same "Id tsle repented, 1 was captured at flrnt sight, For In my eyes she seemed an Idle ! queen. And the piper with his merry tune. What Joy he did Inspire, Th notes of her sweet voir Touched a cord within my heart. In my dreams I see vision Of her fsce so good and kind, And I long to see the girl I left behind. V. W., Gold Hun, Calif. Dear Mis Brooks: This is the first time t have written to you. I Just couldn't stay away any Dear Miss Brooks: I am an Interested reader of your corner, cor-ner, snd would like to ask you some questi'-ns (1) Will you publish the song, "Just I'.efore th Until, Mother." snd the poem, "Kentucky Belle?" (2) If a girl should go away, or If she has a boy s address, whose plme Is It to write first, the boy or the girl? Thanking Thank-ing you in advanrs, I remain, BI.ONDY, Tooele. Utah. (1 If you will send me vni,r nam 1 will send you this poem and song, but "Kentucky Belle" is a very long poem snd spare would not permit printing It. (.') Always let the boy write to you first, and If he wishes to hear from you he will do so. I have been a reader of your dear little lit-tle corner, "Just Between You and Me" and have enjoyed It. This Is the first time I hsv written to you I would be much pleased if you would answer my questions. (I) I have blue eves nnd hlack hair. What colors would be suitable suit-able for me? ('.') I was born (September 21. What Is my lucky day nml my flower? Wlslilng you much success and happiness. I sm trulv, MAROEBIK. t'erro (Jrarda. Ida. (1) You should wear blues and blue grays, yellows, cor.il shnle.s, hrleM rede Inde green and blnok nicely, Msrerle! ('.!) Wednesdsy seems to be your day. February and November your month'' and ths cornflowsr is your flower. Dear Miss Brooks: ' I have been rending your oorn.e have tie,.n very mtere.d In domg ."oi Hoping you will accept my cue si inland inl-and thanking you ,n ttl 1) ,"i "'any time, has Itodoiph v ,,, ' njarrM and who Is bl, w.re n wVm "ow old should I b. uefor- I i . Public parties? . ",n f-ed 8h.ghn, sv ir nim naA'",'"-Naurha naA'",'"-Naurha Kumbova. (2 n sixteen ,efre K1K ' Y"U, 0,"' talnment. w, y Tng I 1 L'"U" J'..'- person should |