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Show iencel We are not in a position this week to give a full description of the invention but hope to do ;o in our next issue which would be after a personal inspection. Mr Brossoit was the inventor of the Numa Drill Sharpening nachine which wa3 the first practical machine used for the sharpening of machine steel. A 3mall factory is in operation now producing the bits, although al-though a much larger plant will be built in the near future. Anyone desirious of investigating investigat-ing this plant will be welcomed welcom-ed at 253 Edison street, Salt Lake City. A NEW MINE INVENTION J. J. Brissoic, inventor of the Numa Detachable bit for mining min-ing drills was a visitor to Bingham Bing-ham this week. The bit according ac-cording to the inventor is the greatest improvement in rock working machinery since the invention in-vention of the rock drill. A miner min-er can carry sufficient bits in his pocket to do a shift's work which would be one of the greatest boons that a miner working in a raise could exper- |