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Show ! A j New JSWIS should be madeLjJjJj'i ltUyyJ0 artistic, sanitary Pfefgp and livable J These walls should be Alabastined in the latest, up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper It is absolutely necessary if you expect Alabastine results that you ask for and secure Alabastlnt. Avoid kalsomines under various names and insist on the package with the cross and circle printed in red. That is the only way to be lure you are getting the genuine Alabastine. Alabastine is easy to mix and apply, lasting in its results, and absolutely sanitary. a Alabattine is s dry powder, put op in five-pound packages, white and beautiful beau-tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full directions direc-tions on each package. Evtry tackagt if rtnuini fAtabutint hat crou and circle printed in red. i. , TN C ONLY TO 01 Better write ui for band-made color de- wioceTOimr ligni and tpecial luegeitiont. Give ui your decor- " '" ? stive problems and let ui help you work them out fT Alabastine Company m hrfL 1633 CrsndvUle Ave. Grand Rapid. Mleta Xaj" I flive your diges-I diges-I Hon a "kic!" vli!i I WRIGLEVS. Sound teeth, m (jood appetite and proper digestion mean MUCH to your bealUu WRIGLEY'S la helper la all this work pleasant. beneficial pick-me-np. vVOr Ir Mothers!! Write for 32- Sr "Mothers of y the World" j f Lloyd Loom Products f Use This Coupon pimJ1' Cofnp.ny J MM. J (SU M dT....-...... FBECRLES Hank Wont Month for Thlt TroubU to Btmort Eoally, Thara'i a raaon why n.arlr aTarybodr fracklaa In March, but happily thara la alio ramadjr for th.aa uxly blamlahaa, ao1 no ona naad atay fraoklad. Simply tat an ounea of Olhlna dnubla tranflh- from your drufirlat aud apply a tlttla of It night and mnrnlna, and In a faw daya you ahould aao that av.n tlx urorat fracklra bava biun to dlaappaar, whlla tha Hi hi onaa hava vanlahad antlraly. Now la tha lima to rid youraalf of f reck Ira, tor If not ramovad now thxy may atay alt aummar, and apoll an otharwlaa baautlful aomplaalon. Tour mont back If Othlna falla, Dl MOir 100 PROTECTION FOR LIFE all Mill framonf vaccination wth ' UlallVIl Cutter's liquid or Solid ff "f Blackles" Airln. Alw. II Vnr Wtrlyaate. Cutter a Wid Asms II li lift anlnctofworktuthkrBUaif II II VII FiUlniectore. If Cutter aAaaWMaa Va4 it unobuuubk luuliy, wnu The Cutter Laboratory rlatririat ImW Barkaiar (U.&Uctnat) California JJ.B.-OM Style Pjtwdrr and PHI Vacdnta atOl audi luc iboat who pecfat them. EYES SORE? TEo EYEWATER 4 raliatala and apaady nrnttr atnoa lWa. flor a Luar drojaim or John L, Thonipon woa vol, I klrar Kraaa. Tray. M. . MUiilUliT IBM It doesn't tuke a woman long to come to the point unless she la sharp enlng a pencil. (taaMawaawaaaaawtatMawaMaaM But the blond lawyer Is not always a IpchI Hunt. fllll) ChanSes Last Year's Frock to Hew U Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish The Catl Literal "Minutes." Alice I was going to marry Jack, Billy's tuuiher wua recording secre- but friends dlssunded me. tary of a womun'8 club, so Hilly hnd Virginia Friends of Jack, I sup- heard her use various expressions per- pose? tnlhlng to club work. Billy was a member of a boy's club. As a rule It Isn't best to trust n One dny, prior to one of his club denr friend too fur. meetings, he went to his mothpr end asked for the kitchen alarm clock. She MtmmmmmrrmZZ7mm Eav t0 nlm antl nftcr the meeting 6 MO C nOnCC when he returned It she asked hi in why he wanted It. AiLlkl IB J "Well, you see, mother," he replied, Wl 111 LU 3 flu "we "ad to have the minutes at our OfHP CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la of tan cauaed by an Inflamed condition a? of the mucous lining of tlia Euatachlan rVtfinYAIJI Tub When thl tub inflamed you V bWI I WaSI hava a rumbling- sound or Imparfact CI II hearing. Unless tha Inflammation can ah AltM TV I be reduced, your bearing mar be da- OUQnS V tetOIQS atroyed forever. W 2 .a HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE! will aalfK do what we claim for It rid your ayitera of Catarrh or Deafneae caused by 1 if TTTfl37J CaUrrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEUICINB 17 Tl I"19 bMn auccaasful In the treatment of -ni aaaMrn9' JskSL. j-n Catarrh for over Forty Teara. Mill If 1 F. J. Cheney ca Co.. Toledo, a CUjUl J$ IS ' When Bananas Were 10 Cents Each. linrtkiStA According to the latest statistics available, the United States Imported "" tlTD W9 fl3PaT5,S 43.3G5,"C3 bunches of bananas In 1021. JLluJLwLf dill eU eblW Not so very long ago this fruit was CStaKiTLATEn uni B0,d ,n thls curi"7. wrapped In tin-err tin-err . V .LV Q!iXi ,,1., foil, at 10 cents apiece, and wns con-tSZStt con-tSZStt sldered . tropical curiosity. So much IIjOO for this guaranteed treatment tor what cold storage, among other .tie-Real Remedy Co. things, has done to make this possible, 111 AaMtkaaBaakBldt. KaoeaeCity.Ma. Compressed Air Magazine. Not Always a Good Rule. There's no place like home even If It You must keep your eye on the Is a homely plnce. b"Bah ! I've made some of my best T.y adding another sylluble to "short" hots with my eyes shut." tt becomes shorter. ' j Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION B ELL-AN S L-kcPi H water ySslZM Sure Relief ELL-AN S jSA. AND 754; PACKAGES EVERyWHERR ur?rtttaiIilaK BKafJTY im MVKRT BOX "KBKWOL ' I a BoxllralM tnow ablta ertaia thkiouve aonetra fur turn uumpir ilon. kmVM iae.otb'pat'ter!mplf!l,cscm.1t. A wmdr till fa bla-h. Mall II.U. t'KUM BOOKLBT 1 ton, c. m. aiaav CO., late wicMi .mm, cmcato Pon't Be Fenny Wise and Fomid Foolish Don't think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything. There's Only One Way to Save on Baltc-Day, Uso Economy BUMS RIG POVlfBEItS It costs only a frac-- Sggggj; tion of a cent for ff ?rv;v; Hr each baking. ;L PALUMfl -You use less be- ML yygl cause it contains lppj(ij more than the ordi- TO nary leavening tt$ strength. J ?S0PDJJ The sales of Calumet CjR sr arc over 150'ro greater jS Vi than that of nrty other tpi' est by test baking powder. rmi WORLD'S GREATEST" UNKING POMjOgK RHEUMATISM Cannot Exist In the Human Body If, You Will Use Trunk's Prescription It la prepoatcroua; In fact, it a ham to aullar wilh mflammatoir. . muaculur, aoiAllo tir auy (uim OS iunumaUxm. Thi fivavrlptlon doaa not ruia tha alonmta. tt uuaa nut dapraaa tl. b.arU all tua meat and ku4 (sua jrou wlali whlla la tun Trunks; I'lcaiitpUun. t:ulalna no maitury, aamyiala aoda, ll wlniaraiafn t narcotics, but pi.Billvely overcurnaa any kind of ih-tinmtlim or gout oj tarth. What mm du jruu wantr Tlieia la uulhlim Jual aa good. an-J It la Impoaaibla to ul winn'tmiiaT betiar. Th tiieatt uric acid al-vrnt al-vrnt known and alao a auyarlv lit r medicine. Trunk a I'macrlptlon aell rorSl.ia or t tr only 15.00 at drug aturea. ACGLDTQDD0!TTDL7Y 5 Currfr Chick in2tIfous W.H. MILLtO ,OnOIT. |