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Show NERVOUS WOMAN COMPLETEWRECK Tell How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ' Indianapolis, Indiana. "Now I want to tell you just what induced me to take I iiiiiiHfimmmit lyour medicine. It ! If I B IllJf J J 1 1 1 If 1 1 seemed that I had III j.'rll III! some kind of weakly weak-ly nesa 80 that I could f ? i J not carry a child ita I , . full time. The last ttfM&m time I waa troubled i It, Sd this way 1 had a ner-jjjv ner-jjjv j toub breakdown and . 3 w , com plate HI f,ijr wreck. The doctor H thought I would not 1 - - ' live, and if I did that I1" 1 1 would never be well and strong again. But I told them I was jroing to get well, that I was not going to die just then. My husband got me ' Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUble Com-pound Com-pound and I took six bottles of it I toon got strong again and had three more children. I nave recommended . the Vegetable Compound ever since, and If you could see me now you would think I had always been well." Mrs. Mary F. Herrick, 234 Detroit St, Indianapolis, Indian-apolis, Ind. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ' pound is an excellent medicine for ex- . , , pectant mothers and should be taken 1 curing the entire period. It has a gen- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire reproductive system, so that It Y rnay work in every respect effectually i as nature intends. ! . ThePracticalMan'sCar, j Tho quick success of the Chavrolet Utility Coup6 hat . j proved how accurately its designers gauged the tran ' porta tion requirements of the average busy man, iThis fully equipped, modern car combines day-by-day I reliability, remarkably low operating costs and tho lowest price asked for a Fisher Body automobile. I The mammoth rear compartment is especially attrao I tive to the man who is always moving tools, sample cases, repair parts for farm machinery, and luggage I of all sorts. Any Chevrolet dealer will be glad to show you its, exceptional engineering features. Jtr Etnmift Trantfarlttlom . Prices P. 0. B. Flint, Michigan SUPERIOR Two Pawenger RoarJatef . . $110 6UPKRIOR Flvs PuKOiet Touring . . 52 SUPERIOR Two Putenger Utility Coup 6 HO SUPERIOR Four Paaaenger Sedanaua . 850 I SUPERIOR FlvPintr64ia . . . 860 ! SUPERIOR Light Delivery 310 . ! Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich Dirition of General Motor Corporation A-4C7 will reduce Inflamed, swollen ft II mJoIm Sprains, Cruises, 11 II FjWB"a9 Bolt Bandies; Hsals ' A WfvA Bollg,PoUEvll,Qalttor, ill VPC Itatala and Ufectea h;')S fit or quickly It U a l cft P,,'va antlwptlo and TJ Iwpifcl X gnmlclda. Pleaaant to i ITj iSpQ; 41 u does aot blitur oi It rVyTTL . i ramo,a tho hslr, aod J I I r2I! ton coo work tho horoo. w 3 3si toJuporbottlodellvorod. W.-owii Booh 7 A fro. W. F. YOUNG, Int. 310 Teaplt St, SpriqUi list. Instant reM from CORNS without risk of infection Stftty I Yo tund th polo of eorat, hi aot annul. Dr. Scboll't Zino-pait will do it, U tbef reowvt tht ttuit It k Uoo-pr tmn. t4) bl tht irnliltoo. TkM ra onxd lalfttioa from cutting your coral or Mint corrotifa tcidt fii,- ntiMpticj waterproof. Site, k cotm, talloum, buaioa. Uct boa lodtf aS y&u drugsiu't or loo duUr'k ' hrScholfs 'mo-pads llUt H lit ttlMTvl 71 SrluU Ull. Co.. mmkm Dr. 0VW1 fmt Put one on-tht paints gone f Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousands upon thousand of womea b.iY kidney or bladder trouble and never uspect it. Women's complaints often prort to be nothing elae but kidney trouble, ar the retult of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys art not in a healthy condition, con-dition, they may causa the other organs to become diseased. You msy suffer pain in the back, head-acha head-acha and lots of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous. Irritable Irri-table and maybe despondent; it makee any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's wamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be fust the remedy seeded to overcome such conditions. condi-tions. Many ernd for a sample bottle to see what Swamp Root, the rreat kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sample sam-ple sir bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and larjre sir bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. j A MAN WHO BECAME FAMOUS ; Doctor K. V. Pierce, whose picture; appears above, was not only a succcse- : fill physician, but also a profound ! atudent of the medicinal qualities of Nature's remedies, roots and herlis, ' and by close observation of the meth ods used by the Indians, be discovered their great remedial qualities, especially espe-cially for weaknesses of women, and after careful preparation succeeded In giving to the world a remedy which ass been used by women with the best results for hnlf a century. Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription Is still In great demand, while many other so called "cure-alls" have come and gone. The reason for Its phenomenal success Is because of Its absolute purity, and Dr. Pierce's hlRh standing as nn honored citizen of ItufTnlo Is s gunrnntee of all that Is claimed for the Fnvorlte Pre-crtptlim Pre-crtptlim as a regulator fur the Ills i peculiar to women. Bend 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Tierce's Invalids Hotel. UntTnln. N. Y. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short tima, Don't watt until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by takiog LATHROP8 BMJJ HI1 f ft The world's standard remedy for kldneyf liver, bladder and uric acid troubles the National Remedy of Holland since 1694. Guaranteed. Three aires, all druggists. Look for th nam ColJ Mdl on arry boa and accpt no imitation DYED HER DRAPERIES, SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each parksfte ol "Diamond Dyes" contains con-tains directions so simple that sny woman cut dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, drexses, waists, coats, sweaters, stork-ings, stork-ings, hanning, draperies, everything like new. lluy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeinr is fiiaran-teed, fiiaran-teed, even if you have never dyed before. Tell your drui?it whether the material voo winb to dye is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond. Dia-mond. Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or I run. Bo easy to use. Advertisement. Grippe Fhyslclans advise keeping the bowels open as a safe J guard against Grippe or Influenza. When yon are constipated, j not enough of Nature's I lubricating liquid is pro-J pro-J duced in the bowel to keep I the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because it acta like this naturr.1 lubricant and thus secures regular bowel movements by Nature's own method lubrication. Nalol la lukrlranr not m sardlrlB mr laxative so eaaaot rlpe. Ttj It todar. Mil I .um& ?MtVti IMfl fc'V . :-. if I f A LtiWICANT-Nor A LAXATIVE: JJ Try PISO'S COUGH 333 from iU otharv Slaaaaat-no up- Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear 25t. Oishnrat 25 eaa 50t. Taltaa 2Sc , you mi mm. ..'. " Hal, Color Ita-1 1"T. Df tQ WMr h.i,,, ,,, ,' Iron Htssiu fcLLia. turooai.. tlempbia. T.ua. t KK lAIKIir 111 IMON oil dpfaulli-! Mm joi i-r i,.,iih Tlm may ,v. n tlu.i l'na rull imrilrulma t.i I'LAY ft CI. At,. !'iil 8in'l, NEW TOKIt CITT.I W, N. U, &alt Lake City, No, 10-1923 f EtYElS Ut-iFlOUKL YOU i f Onifc Il-nl lirrlln-rl t .!. ixl.i h (.., cDr fct nil liiuvgisui. I ' ' ' - Refreshes Weary Eyes fjSyr'rH..ii ' TbrnYour Eye. fed Dull W j i j and H-vT. um M.Iik. U In- WtZ. 2l UnilyilfiievoiAat littuFltilns Uf I , ij -M.ilelli--i Clear. bcKl,c aaj I 7f fraiUms. Ilarmlna. S.IJ anj A " 'v .' ! fcemn.mr.ndcd h Ad Lirussma. ! y |