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Show lV) THE BINGI1AM NEWS lories. Introduced and passed, u im below. S. B. 184, committee on public af-fairs (substitute for S. B. 108, Stan-dis- h) Amending Southwick act S. B. 185, Winder Permitting or-ganization of mosquito-abateme- nt dis-trict. Referred to committee on pub-lic affairs. SENATE ACTION ON BILLS S. B. 112, Hirschi Repealing util-ities act. Ayes 5, nays 15, absent 1. S. C. R. 3, Warnick Constitutional amendment Ayes 8, nays 10, absent 2. S. B. 15, Peters City Zoning. Ayes 17, nays 3. S. B. 68, Jenson Voluntary associa-tions may sue and be sued. Ayes 10, absent 1. S. B. 38, Mrs. Etnney Industrial school board. Ayes 4, nayl 12, absent S. B. 92, Peters Limiting powers of utilities commission. Ayes 16, absent 4. H. B. 8, Mrs. Lyman Accepting Shcpard-Town- er act Ayes 14, absent 6. 11 LEGISLATURE SPEEDSUP IK FIFTY-FIFT- H DAY SHOWS BOTH HOUSES WORKING RAPIDLY. ADJOURNMENT EXPECTED WITHIN SIXTY DAY PERIOD. Members and committees of both the house and the senate are showing signs of speed and are rapidly clear-ing the legislative decks of accumu-lated bills. In keeping with the propos-al of Representative Pembroke that all bills be presented in the first forty-fiv- e days, members have thrown the peak load on the decks, and except for nec-essary changes under special order new bills have not been received. Confidence is expressed that it will not be necessary to take advantage of "stopping the clock" and the Utah Pettit of Carbon, and Shelley of Utah county favored the bill and Brewer of Ogden opposed it It was passed by a vote of 41 ayes, 7 nays and 7 absent The joint appropriations committee of the Fifteenth legislature submitted to the lower house its report on the budget bill as submitted by Governor Mabey, providing for the support of the state government for the period beginning April 1, 1923, and continu-ing until March 31, 1925. The report also included supplementary budgets Nos. 1 and 2. The main budget emerged from the committee with many revisions. Supplement No. 1 was favorably recommended without changes and No. 2 was stricken. INTRODUCED HOUSE II. B. 233, house appropriation com-mittee An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the state. Placed on table with report of the joint committee on oppropriations. HOUSE ACTION ON BILLS H. C. M. 2, Wheatley Relative to distribution of surplus war materials. Ayes 51, absent 4. S. B. 95, Ryan Bulls on ran?e. Ayes 14, nay 1, absent 5. S. B. 181, Tebbs Lease on rim of Bryce Canyon. Ayes 18, absent 2. H. B. 775, Mozley Advertising highways. Ayes 13, absent 7. S. B. 132, Irvine Survival of ac-tions. Ayes 16, absent 4. S. B. 133, Irvine Dismissal of ae tions. Ayes 10, absent 4. S. B. 167, Peters stock . Ayes 17, absent 3. S. B. 174, Dixon State road funds. Ayes 16, absent 4. II. B. 63, McKell Audits of public accounts. Ayes 16, nays 2, absent 2. H. B. 232, McKell Extension of time for automobile license tax pay-ments. Ayes 18, absent 2. S. B. 116, Mrs Kinney Statue of Washakie. Ayes 17, absent 3. S. B. 106, Hirschi Incorporation of towns. Ayes 17, absent 3. S. B. 103, Irvine Investing sink In it fund. A vp 11V nnv 9. ahsr-n- t 1. Solons are hoping that the present session will end promptly in the sixty days. A bill which, while adopting some fea-tures of the Standish bill, for which it is a substitute, would throw more stringent regulations around both the use and sale of tobacco than anything that has been accomplished under the Southwick act, which it amends, was brought into the state senate by the committee on public affairs and was placed on the second reading calendar. Boosted as a compromise measure, arranged between friend and foes of the Standish measure, the bill bears every indication that the foes of that bill were at least very much in evi-dence, if not the controlling factor at the conferences of the committee, and at times of others who assisted in reaching this solution of the problem presented to the state in the ed literal enforcement of the H. C. R. 2, Mrs. Dunyon Proclama-tion to have flag raised on mother's day. Ayes 51, absent 4. II. C. R. 4, Mrs. Dunyon Indorsing international mining exhibit for Salt Lake. Ayes 49, absent 6. H. B. 122, Finlinson Tax to pay in-demnity for slaughtered tuberculosis cattle. Ayes 51, absent 4. H. B. 108, McKell Cancelling state warrants not presented for payment within two years. Ayes 47, nay 1, absent 7. H. B. 99, Goggin Appointment of coroners by mayors. Ayes 47, absent 8. H. B. 101, Goggins Manufacture and sale of baking powder. Ayes 43, nays 3, absent 4. II. B. 98, Stookey Fencing of rail-road tracks. Ayes 23, nays 30, absent 2. H. B. 140, Callister Powers of pub-lic utilities commission. Ayes 31, nays zi, aosent a. H. B. 146, Callister Writs of re-view and appeals from decisions of the public utilities commission. Ayes 33, nays 11, absent 6. II. B. 148, Callister Powers of pub- 1lic utilities commission with respect to iautomobile corporations. Ayes 44, iabsent 7, nays 4. II. B. 177, Cannon Regarding mun-icipal contracts with utilities. Ayes 34, nays 16, absent 5. H. B. 232, McKell Extending time for obtain:ng automobile licenses. Ayes 52, absent 3. II. B. 67, Atwood Manufacture and sale of dairy products. Ayes 33, nays 19, absent 3. . S. B. Peters Relative to gasoline tax. Ayes 47, nays 6, absent 2. S. B. 72, appropriations committee The budget bill. Ayes 33, nays 11, cb-se- nt 6. H. B. 233, appropriations committee The revenue bill. Ayes 85, nays 13, absent 7. H. B. 181, Hanson Relative to pen-itentiary and prison site. Ayes 26, nays 22, absent 7. H. B. 100, committee on banking Giving bank commissioners discre-tioner- y power over loan associations. Ayes 44, nays 1, absent 10. H. B. 149, N. C. Christensen In-creasing number of judges in fourth district. Aves 34, nays 10, absent 11. H. B. 168, Atwood and Crook S. B. Jenkins Compensation insur-ance. Ayes 17, absent 3. S. B. 83, Funk Reducing supreme court to three members. Ayes 3, nays 15, absent 2. H. B. 101, Amending budget Ayes 8, absent 2. S. B. 84, Hirschi $181,00 for state road commission fund. Ayes 19, nay 1. S. B. 154, Jenins Withdrawal of bank deposits of deceased persons. Ayes 14, nays 6. II. B. Ill, Committee Attempts to kill. Ayes 19, absent 1. II. B. 49, Callister Felonious as-sault. Ayes 18, absent 2. H. B. 52, Callister Robbery. Ayes 19, absent 1. S. B. 56, Mrs. Kinney Placing out of children. Ayes 20. S B. 107, Mrs. Kinney Annuities of U. of U. faculty. Ayes 20. H. B. 74, Rowan Liquidation of banks. Ayes 17, nays 2, absent 1. . S. B. 75, Jenson Assessment of merchandise in interstate commerce. A7s 20. S. B. 115, Cottrell Advertising by lottery. Ayes 20. S. B. 74, Dixon Exclusion of publlo from certain trials. Ayes 19, absent 1. . II. B. 121, Finlinson Hog cholera control. Ayes 13, navs 5, absent 2. S. B. 137, Dixon Bichloride of mer-cury. Ayes 19, absent 1. S. B. 55, Mrs. Kinney Public rec- - Southwick act. The bill amends the Southwick law to as to permit the sale of cigarets legally in the state, instead of requir- - lng persons who would follow the let- - ter of the law and still smoke tobacco In this form to send out of the state for the commodity. But before a mer-- chant may sell cigarets he must take out a license at an annual fee in no instance less than $25,, and in Salt Lake running as high as $100. This license fee schedule is much higher than that carried in the Standish bill; while at the same time the penalty for Illegal selling of cigarets is increased from a fine of $100 to one of $299. Naturally, it is argued, the effect will be that persons who operate under the law and take out a license will sup-port all efforts to prevent illegal sale of cigarets by competitors who do not have such a license. And with strict enforcement of the law the license will become a thing of value, and any dealer will be slow to run the risk of losit'g it by the sale of cigarets to minirs. Whereas a Wyoming or Colorado dealer receiving an order through the mail will not inquire, nor be able to as-certain whether his patron is a minor or not, a licensed Utah dealer will have opportunity of knowing, and will be slow to yield to the temptation of making the sale. The bill also South-wick in that it provides that tobacco in any form shall not be advertised in the state. The present law permits the advertising of smoking tobscco or chewing tobacco, or tobacco in any other form except cigarets. The amendment to this law is more strin-gent in that particular. - , The bill docs make some concessions in a modification of section 4 of the Southwick act, which affects the use of tobacco in what are defined therein as "enclosed public places." However, a scanning of this provision will show that in many instances the restaura-teur will be unable to comply with this provision without going to lengths which will make him hesitate before he undertakes to alter his premises so . as to permit smoking" therein. There was much debate when House bill 65, by Cannon, relative to storage goods, came up for consideration. Mr. Cannon explained that it was merely a matter of marking eggs and butter and other products just what they are. He pointed out that in many other states when goods are in storage thirty days they cease to be labeled fresh, but that in Utah thr--y may be marked fresh and sold as fresh after having been in cold storage ninety reauon. Ayes ta, nays s. S. B. 165, Winder Abolishing of-fice of director of health education. Ayes 18, absent 2. S. B. 134, Irvine Registered phar-macists. Ayes 17, absent 3. II. B. 59, committee Abolishing validation committee. Ayes 18, nay 1, absent 1. S. B. 127, Candland Abolishing de-partment of finance and purchase. Ayes 8, nays 11, excused 1. S. B. 105, Funk Wagon loads. Ayes 16. navs 2, absent 2. H. B. 40, White Repealing fish and game laws. Ayes 14, absent 0. S. B. 39, White New fish and game bi'l. Ayes 14, absent 6. H. C. R. 4, Mrs. Dunyon Mining ex-position. Ayes 13, absent 7. S. B. 122, Adams County road funds for city roads. Ayes 14, nays 2, absent 4.. S. B. 180, Jenson Garnishment be-fore judgment. Ayes 17, absent 8. S. B. 170, McConkie Succession. Ayes 17, absent 3. S. B. Irvine 135, Irvine Drug stares. Ayes 14, absent 6. S. B. 178, Irvine Welfare of cer-tain inmates of industrial school. Ayes 15. absent 5. S. B. 172, McConkie Amerlcantia- - Boundry lines of Utah and Wasatch counties. Ayes 44, nay 1, absent 10. II. B. 205, White Making salary of commissioner of agriculture $3600. Ayes 45, nays 3, absent 7. H. B. 214, Crouch Reorganization of state board of agriculture. Ayes 45, nays .3, absent 1. II. B. 06, Browning Civil service for .firemen and policemen. Ayes 27, nays 22, absent 6. . ' II. B. 39, White New fish and game bill. Ayes 48, absent 7. n. B. 207, Stookey The "right to work" act. Ayes 44, nays 4, ab-sent 7. . H. B. 151, Finlinson Licensing live-stock for grazing law repealed. Ayes ' 44, absent 11. It. B. 84, Callister Sale of bulk merchandise stocks. Ayes 43, ab-sent 12. H. B. 182, Jorgensen Piute irriga-tion project. Ayes 43, absent 12. II. B. 153, Finlinson--Aericultu- ral districts for state. Ayes 37, nays 5, absent 13. BILLS INTRODUCED IN SENATE S. B. 181, Tebbs Authorizing state land commissioner to lease all or part of section commanding approach to Bryce Canyon. tion. Ayes 11, nays 8. absent 3. S. B. 120, Jenson Gaming and Bootleg clubs. Ayes 17, absent 3.' S. B. 7, Jenson Uniform declara-tory Judgments. Aves 15, absent 5. S. B. 110, Irvine Fiduciaries. Ayes 14, absent 6. S. B. 171. McConkie District at-torney's clerks. Ayes 16, absent 4. S. B. 118, Irvine Prison employees pensions. Ayes 17, absent 3. S. B. 181, committee Cigarets Ayes 18, absent 1. xcured I. days. Goggin of Salt Ijike opjosed the bill, deplaning that the storage goods were the best, and saying something about people not being able to tall tha difference between cold storage and fresh eggs. Mrs. Dunyon qf Salt Lake took issue with Mr. Gogg'n, and .told him how to tell the difference between fresh and storage eggs. She said, as a housewife, she used some storage goods but she wanted to know what iho was buying. Motley of Salt Lake. S. R.-- 4, Hirschi Asking reinstate-ment by congress of appropriation, for roads in and near Zion national Park. Adopted under suspension of the rules. S. B. 182, Jemorv-Amfnd'- .ng law re-lating to state Historical society. S. J. R. 3, Mrs. Kinney legislative Investigation of sumptuary laws. Pub-lic affairs. S. B. 1, Tebbs Road In Grand Can-yon national park.' Passed under sus-pension of rule. S. C. 193, Winder Check on tax A j New JSWIS should be madeLjJjJj'i ltUyyJ0 artistic, sanitary Pfefgp and livable J These walls should be Alabastined in the latest, nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper It is absolutely necessary if you expect Alabastine results that you ask for and secure Alabastlnt. Avoid kalsomines under various names and insist on the package with the cross and circle printed in red. That is the only way to be lure you are getting the genuine Alabastine. Alabastine is easy to mix and apply, lasting in its results, and absolutely sanitary. Alabattine is s dry powder, put op in five-pou- packages, white and beau-tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full direc-tions on each package. Evtry tackagt if rtnuini hat crou and circle printed in red. i. , TN C ONLY TO01 write ui for band-ma- de color de- - wioceTOimr luegeitiont. Give ui your decor- - " '" ? fAtabutint andlet ui help you work them out fT Company m hrfL Ave. Grand Rapid. Mleta Xaj" I flive your diges-- I Hon a "kic!" vli!i I WRIGLEVS. Sound teeth, m (jood appetite and proper digestion mean MUCH to your bealUu WRIGLEY'S la helper la all this work pleasant. beneficial pick-me-n- p. vVOr Ir Mothers!! Write for 32-- Sr "Mothers of y the World" fLloyd j Loom Products f Use This Coupon pimJ1' Cofnp.ny J MM. J (SU M dT....-...- ... FBECRLES Hank Wont Month for Thlt TroubU to Btmort Eoally, Thara'i a raaon why n.arlr aTarybodr fracklaa In March, but happily thara la alio ramadjr for th.aa uxly blamlahaa, ao1 no ona naad atay fraoklad. Simply tat an ounea of Olhlna dnubla tranflh- - from your drufirlat aud apply a tlttla of It night and mnrnlna, and In a faw daya you ahould aao that av.n tlx urorat fracklra bava biun to dlaappaar, whlla tha Hi hi onaa hava vanlahad antlraly. Now la tha lima to rid youraalf of freck Ira, tor If not ramovad now thxy may atay alt aummar, and apoll an otharwlaa baautlful aomplaalon. Tour mont back If Othlna falla, Dl MOir 100 PROTECTION FOR LIFE all Mill framonf vaccination wth UlallVIl Cutter's liquid or Solid ff "f Blackles" Airln. Alw. II Vnr Wtrlyaate. Cutter a Wid Asms II li lift anlnctofworktuthkrBUaif II II VII FiUlniectore. If Cutter aAaaWMaa Va4 it unobuuubk luuliy, wnu The Cutter Laboratory rlatririat ImW Barkaiar (U.&Uctnat) California JJ.B.-O- M Style Pjtwdrr and PHI Vacdnta atOl audi luc iboat who pecfat them. EYES SORE? TEo EYEWATER 4 raliatala and apaady nrnttr atnoa lWa. flor a drojaim or John L, Thonipon woa vol, Luar Tray. M. . MUiilUliT IBM It doesn't tuke a woman long to come to the point unless she la sharp enlng a pencil. (taaMawaawaaaaawtatMawaMaaM But the blond lawyer Is not always a IpchI Hunt. fllll) ChanSes Last Year's Frock to Hew U Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish The Catl Literal "Minutes." Alice I was going to marry Jack, Billy's tuuiher wua recording secre-- but friends dlssunded me. tary of a womun'8 club, so Hilly hnd Virginia Friends of Jack, I sup-- heard her use various expressions per- - pose? tnlhlng to club work. Billy was a member of a boy's club. As a rule It Isn't best to trust n One dny, prior to one of his club denr friend too fur. meetings, he went to his mothpr end asked for the kitchen alarm clock. She Eav t0 nlm antl nftcr the meeting MtmmmmmrrmZZ7mm when he returned It she asked hi in why he wanted It. AiLlkl IB J "Well, you see, mother," he replied, Wl 111 LU 3 flu "we "ad to have the minutes at our OfHP CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la oftan cauaed by an Inflamed condition a? of the mucous lining of tlia Euatachlan rVtfinYAIJI Tub When thl tub inflamed you V bWI I WaSI hava a rumbling- - sound or Imparfact II hearing. Unless tha Inflammation can TV I be reduced, your bearing mar be da-- OUQnS V tetOIQS atroyed forever. 2 .a HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE! will aalfK do what we claim for It rid your ayitera of Catarrh or Deafneae caused by 1 if TTTfl37J CaUrrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEUICINB 17 Tl I"19 bMn auccaasful In the treatment of --ni aaaMrn9' JskSL. n Catarrh for over Forty Teara. Mill If 1 F. J. Cheney ca Co.. Toledo, a CUjUl J$IS ' When Bananas Were 10 Cents Each. linrtkiStA According to the latest statistics available, the United States Imported "" tlTD W9 fl3PaT5,S 43.3G5,"C3 bunches of bananas In 1021. JLluJLwLf dill eU eblW Not so very long ago this fruit was CStaKiTLATEn uni B0,d ,n thls curi"7. wrapped In foil, at 10 cents apiece, and wns con-tSZS- tt sldered . tropical curiosity. So much IIjOO for this guaranteed treatment tor what cold storage, among other .tie-Re- al Remedy Co. things, has done to make this possible, 111 AaMtkaaBaakBldt. KaoeaeCity.Ma. Compressed Air Magazine. Not Always a Good Rule. There's no place like home even If It You must keep your eye on the Is a homely plnce. b"Bah ! I've made some of my best T.y adding another sylluble to "short" hots with my eyes shut." tt becomes shorter. ' j Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION BELL-A-N S H water ySslZM Sure Relief ELL-A-N S jSA. AND 754; PACKAGES EVERyWHERR ur?rtttaiIilaK BKafJTY im MVKRT BOX "KBKWOL ' I a BoxllralM tnow ablta ertaia thkiouve aonetra fur turn uumpir ilon. kmVM iae.otb'pat'ter!mplf!l,cscm.1t. A wmdr till fa bla-h- . Mall II.U. t'KUM BOOKLBT 1 ton, c. m. aiaav CO., late wicMi .mm, cmcato Pon't Be Fenny Wise and Fomid Foolish Don't think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything. There's Only One Way to Save on Baltc-Da- y, Uso Economy BUMSRIG POVlfBEItS It costs onlya frac--- Sggggj; tion of a cent for ff ?rv;v; Hr each baking. PALUMfl -Y- ou use less be- - ML yygl cause it contains lppj(ij more than the ordi- - TO nary leavening tt$ strength. J s?S0rPDJJ The sales of Calumet CjR Vi arc over 150'ro greater jS than that of nrty other tpi' est by test baking powder. rmi WORLD'S GREATEST"UNKING POMjOgK RHEUMATISM Cannot Exist In the Human Body If, You Will Use Trunk's Prescription It la prepoatcroua; In fact, it a ham to aullar wilh mflammatoir. muaculur, aoiAllo tir auy (uim OS iunumaUxm. Thi fivavrlptlon doaa not ruia tha alonmta. tt uuaa nut dapraaa tl. b.arU all tua meat and ku4 (sua jrou wlali whlla la tun Trunks; I'lcaiitpUun. t:ulalna no maitury, aamyiala aoda, ll wlniaraiafn t narcotics, but pi.Billvely overcurnaa any kind of or gout oj tarth. What mm du jruu wantr Tlieia la uulhlim Jual aa good. an-- It la Impoaaibla to ul winn'tmiiaT betiar. Th tiieatt uric acid al-vr- nt known and alao a auyarlv lit r medicine. Trunk a I'macrlptlon aell rorSl.ia or t tr only 15.00 at drug aturea. ACGLDTQDD0!TTDL7Y 5 Currfr Chick in2tIfous W.H. MILLtO ,OnOIT. NEW TAXES FOR THE BRAZILIANS j .moy start toward rehahllltutlon. Consumption tuxes Iiuve liem placed on butter, cheese, coffee, cunnt-i- l food Rtu'ffs, while tuxes on clgnrs, tolmcco, perfumes, .liquors iind dry goods In general have been Increased 2 ppr rent. Elertrlc H'ht unit power now roine under n tnx; Imported goods uill be B'itiJ(,t to nn ndditlon of 5 per cent In duty. Customs duties must tie pnid nt lenst CO per cent In p.dd, ncrord;ns to the new ruling. This Is expected to reduce the nmount of paper money la circulation. Covcrnment to Take Part of Income and Higher Cusoms flalea In New Arrangement, UIi J;ino!ro, Urnzll. Imposition f nd.tlor.:il luxes, nnd for the- first ti: ie In Itrti7.il nn Income tax, litis ndilcd to tlic cost of living, "nnd luin's f.r.'iziilans to n fall reallsnti'm of the ;'.;)';n 'Ir.tf t. r;ry of tbe last ndmlnistra-tlon- . Having Ui nced merrily for four years under the I'essou rule, Kruzll Is now forced to my the piper. President Ilerniirdes unj his cabi-net, faced by tin empty treasury, nnd with the principal and Interest on for-eign loans comlns; due, lmve In-creased custom duties nnd old tux rates, end are Imposing taxes on nr-tie'- tlmt in the pust have been ex-empt In ordur thut the jrovcrn.uent |