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Show l r j THE BINGHAM NEWS - The President and the "Pork Barrel" and harbors appropriation Is Incorpor-ated In the army appropriation bill and In order to veto the pork barrel It would be necessary for him to veto the whole army bill. Mr. Harding's move to block the heretofore Invincible pork barrel Is one of the most anomalous proceed-ings on record. In the past "treasury wntchdogs" in congress have exerted their lung power to the "nth" degree in exhorting the executive branch of the government to practice economy. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the cnpltol mny soon be treated to the Interesting spectacle of congress denouncing the President and his sub-ordinates for refusing to spend as much as it appropriates. This unexpected development may raise an Important constitutional Is-sue, but It Is generally believed that congress will find It difficult to com-pel Mr. Harding to spend money which he wonts to save. It Is a noteworthy fact that approxi-mately $22,000,000 of the $50,000,000 would be spent In the South, with the Mason and Dixon Hue and the Ohio river as the dividing line. This may account for the fact that the Dixie senators voted solidly for the $50,000,-00- 0 barrel President Hard-ing has apparently outwitted the congressional "pork brigade." He has notllled Secretary of War Weeks to hold expenditures for rivers and har-bors down to $27,000,000, the budget figure, during the next fiscal year, not-withstanding the fact that both houses have given their approval to a "pork barrel" of $50,000,000 double the rec-ommendation of the budget bureau. Secretary Weeks, It Is expected, will notify the amy engineers to scale down rivers and harbors expenditures In such way as to conform to the budget fig-ures. The money remaining unex-pended under the amount appropriat-ed by congress will be turned back Into the treasury to be disposed of as congress seen fit next year. The President, It la understood, adopted this course because the river NERVOUS WOMAN COMPLETEWRECK Tell How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ' Indianapolis, Indiana. "Now I want to tell you just what induced me to take I iiiiiiHfimmmit lyour medicine. It ! If I IllJf J J 1 1 1 If 1 1 seemed that I had III j.'rllIII! some kind of weak-ly nesa 80 that I could f ? i J not carry a child ita I , . full time. The last ttfM&m time I waa troubled i It, Sd this way 1 had a ner-jjj- v j toub breakdown and . 3 w com plate HI f,ijr wreck. The doctor H thought I would not 1 - - ' live, and if I did that I1" 1 1 would never be well and strong again. But I told them I was jroing to get well, that I was not going to die just then. My husband got me ' Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUble Com-poun- d and I took six bottles of it I toon got strong again and had three more children. I nave recommended the Vegetable Compound ever since, and If you could see me now you would think I had always been well." Mrs. Mary F. Herrick, 234 Detroit St, Indian-apolis, Ind. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-- ' pound is an excellent medicine for ex- - . , , pectant mothers and should be taken 1 curing the entire period. It has a gen- - eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire reproductive system, so that It Y rnay work in every respect effectually i as nature intends. ! . ThePracticalMan'sCar, j Tho quick success of the Chavrolet Utility Coup6 hat . j proved how accurately its designers gauged the tran ' porta tion requirements of the average busy man, iThis fully equipped, modern car combines day-by-d- ay I reliability, remarkably low operating costs and tho lowest price asked for a Fisher Body automobile. I The mammoth rear compartment is especially attrao I tive to the man who is always moving tools, sample cases, repair parts for farm machinery, and luggage I of all sorts. Any Chevrolet dealer will be glad to show you its, exceptional engineering features. Jtr Etnmift Trantfarlttlom Prices P. 0. B. Flint, Michigan SUPERIOR Two Pawenger RoarJatef . . $110 6UPKRIOR Flvs PuKOiet Touring . . 52 SUPERIOR Two Putenger Utility Coup 6HO SUPERIOR Four Paaaenger Sedanaua . 850 I SUPERIOR FlvPintr64ia . . . 860 ! SUPERIOR Light Delivery 310 . ! Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich Dirition of General Motor Corporation A-4C- will reduce Inflamed, swollen ft II mJoIm Sprains, Cruises, 11 II FjWB"a9 Bolt Bandies; Hsals ' A WfvA Bollg,PoUEvll,Qalttor, ill VPC Itatala and Ufectea h;')S fit or quickly It U a l cft P,,'va antlwptlo and TJ Iwpifcl X gnmlclda. Pleaaant to ITj iSpQ; 41 u does aot blitur oi It rVyTTL i ramo,a tho hslr, aod J I I r2I! ton coo work tho horoo. w 3 3si toJuporbottlodellvorod. W.-ow-ii Booh 7 A fro. W. F. YOUNG, Int. 310 Teaplt St, SpriqUi list. Instant reM from CORNS without risk of infection Stftty I Yo tund th polo of eorat, hi aot annul. Dr. Scboll't Zino-pa- will do it, U tbbelf reowvt tht ttuit It kUoo-- tmn. t4) tht irnliltoo. TkM ra onxd lalfttioa from cutting your coral or Mint corrotifa tcidt fii,-- ntiMpticj waterproof. Site, k cotm, talloum, buaioa. Uct boa lodtf aS y&u drugsiu't or loo duUr'k ' hrScholfs 'mo-pad- s llUt H lit ttlMTvl 71 SrluU Ull. Co.. mmkm Dr. 0VW1 fmt Put one on-t- ht paints gone f Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousands upon thousand of womea b.iY kidney or bladder trouble and never uspect it. Women's complaints often prort to be nothing elae but kidney trouble, ar the retult of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys art not in a healthy con-dition, they may causa the other organs to become diseased. You msy suffer pain in the back, head-ach- a and lots of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous. Irri-table and maybe despondent; it makee any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's wamp-Roo- t, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be fust the remedy seeded to overcome such condi-tions. Many ernd for a sample bottle to see what Swamp Root, the rreat kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam-ple sir bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and larjre sir bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. j A MAN WHO BECAME FAMOUS ; Doctor K. V. Pierce, whose picture; appears above, was not only a succcse-- : fill physician, but also a profound ! atudent of the medicinal qualities of Nature's remedies, roots and herlis, ' and by close observation of the meth ods used by the Indians, be discovered their great remedial qualities, espe-cially for weaknesses of women, and after careful preparation succeeded In giving to the world a remedy which ass been used by women with the best results for hnlf a century. Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription Is still In great demand, while many other so called "cure-alls-" have come and gone. The reason for Its phenomenal success Is because of Its absolute purity, and Dr. Pierce's hlRh standing as nn honored citizen of ItufTnlo Is s gunrnntee of all that Is claimed for the Fnvorlte Pre-crtptli-as a regulator fur the Ills peculiar to women. Bend 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Tierce's Invalids Hotel. UntTnln. N. Y. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short tima, Don't watt until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by takiog LATHROP8 BMJJ HI1 f ft The world's standard remedy for kldneyf liver, bladder and uric acid troubles the National Remedy of Holland since 1694. Guaranteed. Three aires, all druggists. Look for th nam ColJ Mdl on arry boa and accpt no imitation DYED HER DRAPERIES, SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each parksfte ol "Diamond Dyes" con-tains directions so simple that sny woman cut dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, drexses, waists, coats, sweaters, stork-ing- s, hanning, draperies, everything like new. lluy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeinr is fiiaran-tee-even if you have never dyed before. Tell your drui?it whether the material voo winb to dye is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia-mond. Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. Bo easy to use. Advertisement. Grippe Fhyslclans advise keeping the bowels open as a safe J guard against Grippe or Influenza. When yon are constipated, j not enough of Nature's I lubricating liquid is pro--J duced in the bowel to keep I the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because it acta like this naturr.1 lubricant and thus secures regular bowel movements by Nature's own method lubrication. Nalol la lukrlranr not m sardlrlB mr laxative so eaaaot rlpe. Ttj It todar. Mil I .um&?MtVti IMfl fc'V if I f A LtiWICANT-N- or A LAXATIVE: JJ Try PISO'S COUGH 333 from iU otharv Slaaaaat-- no up-- Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear 25t. Oishnrat 25 eaa 50t. Taltaa 2Sc you mi mm. ..'. Hal, Color Ita--1 1"T. Df tQ WMr h.i,,, ,,, ,' Iron Htssiu fcLLia. turooai.. tlempbia. T.ua. t KK lAIKIir 111 IMON oil dpfaulli-- ! Mm l'najoi rull i,.,iih Tlm may ,v. n tlu.i !'iimilrilrulma t.i I'LAY ft CI. At,. 8in'l, NEW TOKIt CITT.I W, N. U, &alt Lake City, No, 23 fEtYElS YOU f Onifc lirrlln-r- l t .!. ixl.i h (.., cDr fct nil liiuvgisui. ' ' - Refreshes Weary Eyes fjSyr'rH..ii ' TbrnYour Eye. fed Dull Wj i and um M.Iik. U In- - WtZ. 2l --UnilyilfiievoiAat littuFltilns Uf I , ij M.ilelli--i Clear. bcKl,c aaj I 7f fraiUms. Ilarmlna. S.IJ anj A " 'v .' fcemn.mr.ndcd h Ad Lirussma. ! y Harding Wants Nicaraguan Canal Built pitESIDENT" HARDING has let It he known that he hns an ultimate administrative drenm which Is the con-struction of another lnteroceunlc canul In Central America, not to sub-stitute for the Punama canal but to supplement It. The possible necessity for a second canal, through the Nlcnrngunn route, In view of the great Increase In traffic through the Panama canal, wus consid-ered at a recent cabinet meeting. Earnings by the canul, Secretary of War Weeks pointed out, were nearly 50 per cent greater than n year ago. There were Intimations In official quarters that the Immediate future would see any difficulties of an Inter-national political nature amicably re-moved. At present the United States hns a treaty with Nicaragua, known as the r.ryan-Chamorr- o treaty, by which Nicaragua gives this govern-ment the right to construct a canal through Nicaraguan territory. The consent of Nicaragua alone, however, Is not sufficient. Inasmuch as the Sun Juan river, a part of the pro-posed Nicaraguan rannl, Is the bound-ary line between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Furthermore, the Bay of Fonseca, also a part of the proposed route, borders upon Salvador and Hon-duras, as well as upon Nicaragua. The Intimation Is that these governments may nil be willing to accede to an American proposal. During January all records were broken for tolls from commercial ves-sels using the canal, and a new record for the number of vesels also was set. Military experts point out that the Nicaraguan route would be much more easily defended than the Panama route. President Harding scarcely expects to see a second canal completed dur-ing bis occupancy of the White House, but he hopes to start the project under his administration. Rifle Is Girls' Chaperon. Two girls of Atlunta, Oa., drove Maxwell touring enr more than 12,000 j miles last summer on a trip from At j Inula to the Pacific, northwest througtl j California, and back to Atlanta via the western route. The girls were uo chaperoned snve for the presence of S Winchester rifle. American Plan in Mexico. Although there seems to be a good demand for German-mari- e plunos In Mexico (doubtless because of the lower price), no country can compete with the United States In the sale of player-piano- since the United States Is the only country In which this Instrument has been developed ' to a state of perfection. The Brute I When Ethel went round to visit her chum one evening she found her utter-ly miserable. "Whatever Is the matter, Lily?" she asked. Lily's face grew longer than ever as she answered between sobs: "I've broken off my engagement wl'.h Jack." "Never mind, Lily," said Ethel com-fortingly, "he Is certain to come round and patch It up with you before long." "I don't think so," replied Lily. "You see, I wrote and told him never to see me or write to me ngaln. And," she added vehemently, "he hasn't even been nice enough to answer my ter." Roast Turkey. Duck Any news of your brother Turkey Yes. poor thing, he's In foft a good wasting! - 4e I Western Brevities X from the Many ' I Western States i: i M . Sun Diego. Dr. Louis L. Jacol. will go to trial before Superior Jude March here for the alleged murder of I'ritizi Munn, dancer. Seattle. Geo. V. IMchnrdson, form-er representative In congress fism Michigan, died at the home of his daughter at Ilellevue, near here. Spokane. Dividends of $250,000 to stockholders of the Ileclu Mining company, was announced by the torn puny here. San Diego. Anderson, a folding Jockey at the Tijuana race truck, wus fatally injured when Lis mount, Norfleld fell. Washington, D. C. A postofflce has been established at Croton, Camp-bell county, Wyo., with Hurry Faul-kerso- n us postmaster. Oklahoma City. John II. Pltchford chief Justice of the supreme court of Oklahoma, died at his home here. Mr. Pltchford had been seriously ill for several months. Moionl, Utah. The People's Sugar company will begin to sign up sugar beet acreage under the new contract approved by the Utah State Farm bureau according to word given out Nam pa. Fire partially consumed the building occupied by the Nam pa Seed and Grain company and the Nampa Poultry company. Carson City. Resolutions directing Attorney General Dlskln to file charges against District Judge C. J. McFudden of White Pine county were adopted by both houses of the Neva-da legislature. Green Itlver Construction on an all steel bridge 2.S0 feet long, with a con. crcte floor, to span Alkali creek, bus commenced. Thia will change the routo of lie Lincoln highway. Uutte. The T.utta & Superior Min-ing comp any is to begin Immediately the hoisting of copper ore from Its newly discovered copper vein. Pendleton.--Sheepm- en of Umatilla county have tailed till available hands to assist thorn In ouo of the heuvlcst, lambing reasons in years. Los Angel, s. Rewards totaling more than have been offered for the arrest and conviction of the nutomoblle bandits who shot and kill, ed Sam McGoe, u bank messenger. St. Puul, Minn. The state senate killed a bill to restore capital punish-nen- t for persons convicted of mur-der. The ote was 41 to 20. Snn Francisco. Max Moore was taken to tho emergency hospital here, suffering from sunstroke. Tho hospi-tal records disclosed that this was (he first case of, sunstroke occurring In February. s Angelos Jack Dempsey, heavy, weight boxing champion, opened training at a local gymnasium before a large gathering of funs and person-al friends. Los Angeles K. A. Cudahy of Cht. cago, head of the Cudahy Packing company, announced here the com-pany's Los Angeles plant would be doubled In size In the near future. Lolse, Ida. Undeniable evidence exists that the Morning and Hercu-tes- e mine f'res In North Idaho were Incendlaiy, reports Uavanel Maclleth, soccrtary tro: surer of the Idaho Mln. lag association. Lo Angeles. The athletic council of the University of Southern Califor-nia bus appropriated money for send-ing a track und field team to eastern meets this year, It Is announced. Ogden. 0 M. Cunningham, a travel-ing representative of the Lions' CluJts dropped dead from heart failure on the street here. Denver. A plot to roh the Denver museum of $'JJ,000 worth of leaf gold was frustrated with the arrest of three men. Ardmoro, Okla. N'lne men, charged Jointly with the killing of Joe Carroll of Wilson are to go on trial in con-nection with the alleged activities of a masked bund. lx Angles. William Sidbottom, former assistant cashier of the Chi-cago ti Alloa railroad at Springfield, 111., charged with embezzlement of $.3,000 of the company's funds, was arrested here. Reno. A resolution calling upon com;i'e8j to repotl the Volateul uct, und to take the necessary steps to efToct a revision of the eighteenth oniendmont, was Introduced In the Nevada Ktato senate. f There's plenty of room nt the top, but It's slippery. ! ' , Short lives ninko rerry undorlnkera. Another Short and Ugly Word Approved "irtTtSTIMAl. 3TAMIA" X A He cited the case of Detroit where au-tomobile accidents have been almost ellmlnoted through Jail sentences. "The case the gentleman alludes to In Detroit," said Representative Staf-ford, "was because Judge Bartlett has the 'guts' to punish." At this point riepresentatlvt Smith (Hep., Idaho) Interrupted: "Mr. Speaker, I move the remarks of the gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Staf-ford, be expunged from the Record." T think my colleague from Idaho," Representative Blanton (Dera., Tex.) Interjected, "hns acted rather hastily. If he will examine the Congressional Rec-ord he will find that very expression, used by the distinguished gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Stafford, em-ployed In at least a dozen places." "That may be," retorted Mr. Smith, "but It has no proper place there." The proceeding were ended when Representative Stafford moved tho previous question on the Smith motion to expunge, and the house by viva vo-- e vote later refused to expunge the word. PROPER and parliamentary Is so decided by a vote of the house of representatives. When Senato-r- Elect Wheeler (Rep., Mont.) re-cently addressed the La Toilette pro-gressive conference, he used the term "intestinal stamina," which seemed to get on nobody's nerves. Meaning the same thing. Representative Stafford (Rep., Wis.) observed, that the courts needed "guts" to punish violators of speed laws In the Dlxtrlct of Columbia. Representative Fuller (Rep., 111.) complained about the lack of enforce-ment of speed laws In the district, and Diverting a Client. "Lawyer Gllbwltz," suld the veteran pickpocket, "how long are you going to talk to the Jury?" "Oh, about two hours. It will take that long for me to convince the Intel-ligent gentlemen of the Jury that you are Innocent" "I wish you could cut It shogt: I've got a keen sense of humor and when you start to tell 'em what a good guy I am It'll be all I ran do to keep my face strulght" Birmingham Age-Heral- River Line Increases Price of Wheat THERK Is only one water course In country which can he utilized profitably under the present "unfair" division of Interchange freight revenue between mil and water com-panies. In thc opinion of the fcdernl Inlund end coastwise wuterways serv-ice. Hut In the government's experiment on that one the Mississippi river this bureau claims the wafer transpor-tation has been so successful that It bus Increased the prl 'e of wheat In cei tain primary markets. ISut Chicago In not one of them. Its connecting wnter-w- y between Lnckport and the Missis-sippi has not been constructed. Further, the boat line between St. t.ou!s and New Orleans on thP Missis, slppl which Pemit'ir M"C'orm!ck pro-poses k ibstnntlally to Improve by a Mil --re.iented to congress, claims to ! have nint'Tlally lowered die freight (I'MTes on eortiUii Imports hist year. Amontt those nn1 JVIKW tons or simar fjii 2..VD .ms of mohisses imi'I sirup frn:n ('ii'i:i, -- O.O'V tons of roi'fee from rentral and South Am-rie- a, 11 0:;;) tons ..f finl from V Hi t ;.i ii. and .'(".(in) tuns of burlap from I.; tin. A l..r,'o l pcre-l,fi?- of tho.c 'e,,t'i v. . a' j to tbe ('111' .u;o biilfstri: I Col. T. O. ANhburu vi the waterways service says to the secretary of war: "As for the wheat carried during the year, It Is but a beginning, but the service l.ns carried approximately bushels a month. The saving of the hnrK" line's rate Is 3 cents per bushel under the nll-rnl- l rate from St. Louis to the gulf. The operation of tho service Is therefore responsible for a direct Increase of 3 cents per bushel to the price ps.ld to the fanners emii iima'h for at least 1,0(I'iikk bushels. "Tlv efYrt K lio.vever, much mora The price bid eio'h on for the exportable sii'iiiin pv-- th' price that il.iy for nil p'ir. lann, hoth cspo't I. ml (inme;i', SIo the pi o:,rerei.' tavln;: of " ccnis pi r b.j.-he- l '!. t! of thl I'llle !s ,! ' rc (let r(.(l to ,'! com! .ensu ' c nvi-.t- l i. i t UiCi pl i. Oo." Amanuensis. "I wish an Hiimnui'u.ils." "A man amnuuonslu?" "No, a Rinnnnonsla.'' A Dead One. "He hns no nmhltion at nil." "No, he never tries to pass another car on a hill." Much Lejlslation Wanted. Measures revommeinled by ttie I.elrm nxlliary at the next session of con-gress made public ut Hie re--en t meet-n- s of the Auxiliary's national exectl-I'.v- e cotiimlttee iiiclude all legislation for dNnblcd ctcnins. the Ihirsnm liill onubliiig for the rt'tiicinciit of cmcr'eiuy oliU ers en Hie same iatin in leLvilar urn y ers, the five foi l (nU-.st- ej rnipe,s:it:.m bill, ri ! ion to oht.i ii ;n o;ier civil sen ice legislation 'o pKCccl the Interest of cteraiM. of lmnil(;-utlo-slid the &li!p subsiidj' bilL |