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Show The President and the "Pork Barrel" and harbors appropriation Is Incorporated Incorpor-ated In the army appropriation bill and In order to veto the pork barrel It would be necessary for him to veto the whole army bill. Mr. Harding's move to block the heretofore Invincible pork barrel Is one of the most anomalous proceedings proceed-ings on record. In the past "treasury wntchdogs" in congress have exerted their lung power to the "nth" degree in exhorting the executive branch of the government to practice economy. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the cnpltol mny soon be treated to the Interesting spectacle of congress denouncing the President and his subordinates sub-ordinates for refusing to spend as much as it appropriates. This unexpected development may raise an Important constitutional Issue, Is-sue, but It Is generally believed that congress will find It difficult to compel com-pel Mr. Harding to spend money which he wonts to save. It Is a noteworthy fact that approximately approxi-mately $22,000,000 of the $50,000,000 would be spent In the South, with the Mason and Dixon Hue and the Ohio river as the dividing line. This may account for the fact that the Dixie senators voted solidly for the $50,000,-000 $50,000,-000 barrel WASHINGTON. President Harding Hard-ing has apparently outwitted the congressional "pork brigade." He has notllled Secretary of War Weeks to hold expenditures for rivers and harbors har-bors down to $27,000,000, the budget figure, during the next fiscal year, notwithstanding not-withstanding the fact that both houses have given their approval to a "pork barrel" of $50,000,000 double the recommendation rec-ommendation of the budget bureau. Secretary Weeks, It Is expected, will notify the amy engineers to scale down rivers and harbors expenditures In such way as to conform to the budget figures. fig-ures. The money remaining unexpended unex-pended under the amount appropriated appropriat-ed by congress will be turned back Into the treasury to be disposed of as congress seen fit next year. The President, It la understood, adopted this course because the river |