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Show LEAD OUTLET NOW APK GOOD The favorable mining conditions condi-tions in this district which supplanted sup-planted the long period of depression de-pression during the last half of 1922 continues with every indication in-dication that this year will rank among the most prosperous in the history of Bingham. Metal prices are exceptionally good but it is conceded that lead is in the most favorable position, the fact that Mexico is believed to' have reached the limit of production pro-duction gives assurance of the prevailing high price for many months. In the 'silver-lead camps of Utah the incentive for rapid production is double; the time is approaching when silver will have to compete in the world market instead of selling for $1.00 under the terms of the Pittman act and lead is at its highest point for more than two years. In southeast Missouri Mis-souri mining companies are considering con-sidering the advisability of increasing in-creasing the wage of miners as the only means for obtaining an adequate force to mine an increased tonnage. So in the words of Monsieur Coue we might describe the metal min-; ing situation as "Better and Better every day in every way." Under existing conditions cap- able maehinemen are hard to' get and although an attempt may be made to lift the draw- . gates and admit a new flood of immigration to this country,' it : seems as a whole the nation is pretty well satisfied with the present .'restrictions.' Lowered ' cost of production is indeed a ( desirable thing, but not a price ) present immigation laws are ; pf American standards. The i present immigration laws are "That the number of aliens who may be admitted under the im- ; migration laws of the United " States in any fiscal year be lim- ' ited to 3 per centum of the num-, ber of foreign-bora persbns of' such nationality resident in the United States as determined by the United States census of 1910." . , |