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Show 4e I Western Brevities X from the Many ' I Western States i: i M . Sun Diego. Dr. Louis L. Jacol. will go to trial before Superior Jude March here for the alleged murder of I'ritizi Munn, dancer. Seattle. Geo. V. IMchnrdson, former form-er representative In congress fism Michigan, died at the home of his daughter at Ilellevue, near here. Spokane. Dividends of $250,000 to stockholders of the Ileclu Mining company, was announced by the torn puny here. San Diego. Anderson, a folding Jockey at the Tijuana race truck, wus fatally injured when Lis mount, Norfleld fell. Washington, D. C. A postofflce has been established at Croton, Campbell Camp-bell county, Wyo., with Hurry Faul-kerson Faul-kerson us postmaster. Oklahoma City. John II. Pltchford chief Justice of the supreme court of Oklahoma, died at his home here. Mr. Pltchford had been seriously ill for several months. Moionl, Utah. The People's Sugar company will begin to sign up sugar beet acreage under the new contract approved by the Utah State Farm bureau according to word given out Nam pa. Fire partially consumed the building occupied by the Nam pa Seed and Grain company and the Nampa Poultry company. Carson City. Resolutions directing Attorney General Dlskln to file charges against District Judge C. J. McFudden of White Pine county were adopted by both houses of the Nevada Neva-da legislature. Green Itlver Construction on an all steel bridge 2.S0 feet long, with a con. crcte floor, to span Alkali creek, bus commenced. Thia will change the routo of lie Lincoln highway. Uutte. The T.utta & Superior Mining Min-ing comp any is to begin Immediately the hoisting of copper ore from Its newly discovered copper vein. Pendleton.--Sheepmen of Umatilla county have tailed till available hands to assist thorn In ouo of the heuvlcst, lambing reasons in years. Los Angel, s. Rewards totaling more than $-10,000 have been offered for the arrest and conviction of the nutomoblle bandits who shot and kill, ed Sam McGoe, u bank messenger. St. Puul, Minn. The state senate killed a bill to restore capital punish-nent punish-nent for persons convicted of murder. mur-der. The ote was 41 to 20. Snn Francisco. Max Moore was taken to tho emergency hospital here, suffering from sunstroke. Tho hospital hospi-tal records disclosed that this was (he first case of, sunstroke occurring In February. I-os Angelos Jack Dempsey, heavy, weight boxing champion, opened training at a local gymnasium before a large gathering of funs and personal person-al friends. Los Angeles K. A. Cudahy of Cht. cago, head of the Cudahy Packing company, announced here the company's com-pany's Los Angeles plant would be doubled In size In the near future. Lolse, Ida. Undeniable evidence exists that the Morning and Hercu-tese Hercu-tese mine f'res In North Idaho were Incendlaiy, reports Uavanel Maclleth, soccrtary tro: surer of the Idaho Mln. lag association. Lo Angeles. The athletic council of the University of Southern California Califor-nia bus appropriated money for sending send-ing a track und field team to eastern meets this year, It Is announced. Ogden. 0 M. Cunningham, a traveling travel-ing representative of the Lions' CluJts dropped dead from heart failure on the street here. Denver. A plot to roh the Denver museum of $'JJ,000 worth of leaf gold was frustrated with the arrest of three men. Ardmoro, Okla. N'lne men, charged Jointly with the killing of Joe Carroll of Wilson are to go on trial in connection con-nection with the alleged activities of a masked bund. lx Angles. William Sidbottom, former assistant cashier of the Chicago Chi-cago ti Alloa railroad at Springfield, 111., charged with embezzlement of $.3,000 of the company's funds, was arrested here. Reno. A resolution calling upon com;i'e8j to repotl the Volateul uct, und to take the necessary steps to efToct a revision of the eighteenth oniendmont, was Introduced In the Nevada Ktato senate. |