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Show .KSH DOESN'T LOOK IT f'jjjT' ' You cant alwavs j'uJse a -j book by its cover and you r"J& may think that coal is clean "7&$FKIIZ Tfy and without dust . or slag ft 'zlf ' ' "j llvC when you buy itbut the jy& Mr' ' ' llf burning tells the tale. Our I 3DlFC"T' MSr hi2h "ade Liberty or Utah IITggl IMP!'' Fuel coal is well screened and I ltMr cleaned, and burns with a JK K. brightness and heat that will 1 -iik YS, cook and heat when wanted, """" ' zen's. Citizens Coal and Supply Co. Phone 39 Bingham, Utah ODD COMPANY FOR QUAKER Reactions to Voice of Man of Peacs Said to Be Same as Those of General Hlndenburg. An interesting story reaches us from Quaker, source about the discovery of a German professor of phonetics who la engaged In collecting and analyzing phonographic records of the voice of speakers of every country and language. lan-guage. During the war he not only got records from allies and war prisoners of nearly every country under the sun, bnt also carefully tabulated the voles reactions of the most famous of his own countrymen. Recently be begged a well-known English Quaker, who was on a visit to Berlin In connection with International Interna-tional peace work, to allow a record of bis voice to be made. This was Mr. (X Heath, the late secretary of the National Na-tional Peace council, and now secretary of the Friends' Council for International Interna-tional Service. He gave a brief address on the peace principles of Quakerism into the phonographic receiver, while the professor eagerly watched the machine's ma-chine's delicate indicator, which recorded re-corded all the lights and shades of the speaker's voice. At the conclusion of the test the professor pro-fessor pronounced that the verdict of the machine was that the reactions to the Quaker's voice were exactly the same as those to General Hlndenburg's. Manchester (Eng.) Guardian. Bingham News Job Print Plant We specialize in COMMERCIAL PRINTING Patronize Your Home Town L. GUST, Manager Bourgard Building THE BINGHAM & GARFIELD RAILWAY COMPANY Operates through Package Car Service, in connection with the Union Pacific system between Salt Lake City and Bingham. For convenience of its patrons heated refrigerator refriger-ator cars are operated in this service, semi-weekly, for the protection of perishable freight when weather conditions warrant. II. W. STOUTENBOROUGH. . A. W. MALY, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Agent Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah CITY CAFE Regular Dinner 35c Special Sunday Chicken Dinner SO t , , . We Specialize in Chop Suey and Noodles Any Style Meal. Served at All Hour Until 3 A. M. I Royal Candy Co. I TWO STORES. ' t IIome-Made Candies, V. Chili and Tamales ;; Light Lunches I bingiiam, UTAII :: Now is Your Great Opportunity BANISH OLD I1DS The labor and drudgery mada necessary by the old-faihioncd old-faihioncd methed of washing must go the new way pays for itself in saving of time, labor and clothes. AGAIN A Copper Washer For a Silver Dollar The Wonderful AutoMatic Electric Washer costs you only $1 Down $5 a Month Special Terms During March Only You save money when you use the AutoMaticand it actually makes washday a pleasure, becaure you have plenty of clean, sweet clothes without bother or fuss. As ths woman who own an AutoMatic. Then come m and see this wonderful waphcr your.self-at one FREE With every AutoMatic we will give you Free the consisting of a 100-f ;ot I galvanize.! Ciothcs line, attachments for fastening an 1 tightening, a carrier for the clothe:; bar.'-et a rl fry-clothes fry-clothes puis. Utah Power & Light Co. "Effit-ient Public Service'" Evryling K!.,ctri;J f.,r (, iIut,; ..... 'mmm. ...ii vmmrmviarmtt:. mum . uxr mm m .- k i A Million Chevrolet s! Chevrolet produced its millionth car on the 22nd of February Production is growing by leaps and bounds. Demand is striding faster. The production schedule for 1923 follows: f'"" 0 poi-ibi. to mak, Immedlat, !- Jebruary 43.000 ' Hvery. March aj.ooo " y0? "nl ' Chevrolet for Eatlmat. output tor t.he re- Til , n mor. car. per month. e-neer Kvrn on this schedul all mr.n WwWU dralera are o.-eranlrt In 10 -pasr nKcr psk. days or tuonrr It win be lm- rondstir v3v3 For a demonstration phent T"J"r -nray 433. . :;X CARLISLE T Murray urr 7 O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 1 7 t NEIL O'DONNELL, Manager Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 APPLES-APPLES Winesaps $1 per bushel, delivered free. at Well's Groceteria i |