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Show Another Short and Ugly Word Approved "irtTtSTIMAl. 3TAMIA" X A He cited the case of Detroit where automobile au-tomobile accidents have been almost ellmlnoted through Jail sentences. "The case the gentleman alludes to In Detroit," said Representative Stafford, Staf-ford, "was because Judge Bartlett has the 'guts' to punish." At this point riepresentatlvt Smith (Hep., Idaho) Interrupted: "Mr. Speaker, I move the remarks of the gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Stafford, Staf-ford, be expunged from the Record." T think my colleague from Idaho," Representative Blanton (Dera., Tex.) Interjected, "hns acted rather hastily. If he will examine the Congressional Record Rec-ord he will find that very expression, used by the distinguished gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Stafford, employed em-ployed In at least a dozen places." "That may be," retorted Mr. Smith, "but It has no proper place there." The proceeding were ended when Representative Stafford moved tho previous question on the Smith motion to expunge, and the house by viva vo-e vote later refused to expunge the word. PROPER and parliamentary Is "guts" so decided by a vote of the house of representatives. When Senator-Elect Wheeler (Rep., Mont.) recently re-cently addressed the La Toilette progressive pro-gressive conference, he used the term "intestinal stamina," which seemed to get on nobody's nerves. Meaning the same thing. Representative Stafford (Rep., Wis.) observed, that the courts needed "guts" to punish violators of speed laws In the Dlxtrlct of Columbia. Representative Fuller (Rep., 111.) complained about the lack of enforcement enforce-ment of speed laws In the district, and |