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Show Goli Course Studied by City Council Steps have been taken In recent re-cent weeks that seem to give assurance as-surance that a golf course will be developed in Cedar City this summer. Action at the meeting of the City Council last Thursday Thurs-day evening clearing the way for the project. A group of enthusiasts, headed by Ralph Thomas and Steve As-mus, As-mus, are supporting the program, and has asked the city for a lease on city property north of town on whiclrthe course can be developed. The committee first met with the Chamber of Commerce Com-merce to discuss the proposal and receiving support at this meeting, met with the city coun-cU coun-cU to discuss the matter. Neil Carter, representing the Chamber of Commerce, Joined in the council coun-cil presentation. After a detailed discussion the council agreed to lease the land to a gojf association, and while not promising to furnish water for the project, did agree that in so far as water supplies are available the city will cooperate. It will first be necessary to organize or-ganize a Golf Association, Mr. Thomas points out, after which a lease can be signed with the city and work on the project can be started. Formulation of such an association Is now In process and a lease will he prepared for presentatic-. the tity officials. Mr. Thort. iphasises the fact that this w.il in no way be a private cJub, but rather will be developed as a public facility on a greens fee basis, so that everyone every-one Interested will be able to use the course when It Is completed. Location of the course will be East of Highway 91, Just north of the business buildings east of the cemetery. It will run from near the highway to t'.ie. foothills, it Is understood. Golf professionals from Salt Lake City have been .In Cedar City on several occasions occa-sions and have helped to lay out what they claim would be an Ideal course. As soon as a lease Is signed land detailed plans are complet-led complet-led work on the course will be started and help from everyone Interested will be greatly appre. elated, Mr. Thomas states. |