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Show Social Security Wage Credit Checks Advised It is good business to check your social security account at least every three or four years, Charles W. Fledhauser, representative repre-sentative of the social security office at Richfield, reminds all persons covered by the social security se-curity law. by checking your account ac-count you can be sure that all your earnings that count toward I old-age and suriwor's insurance jwere reported and credited cor-I cor-I rectly. If you find that all wages ! or self-employed income that can be are not credited, you should then notify the social security district office and the necessary action will be taken to correct your account. Since all survivors and retirement retire-ment benefits are based on your covered earnings, it is important that all wages and self-employment income are correctly credited credit-ed through the years. Mr. Feldhauser pointed out, however, that the earnings statements' for the year 1955 are not available at this time since the posting of wages is not com-pleted com-pleted until six or nine months after the wages were paid. Therefore There-fore a record of wages paid through the Jast week in Decern-ber, Decern-ber, 1955 will not be available before July 1956. Mr. Feldhauser stated that the district social security office located lo-cated at 159 W. 5th North in Pro-vo, Pro-vo, has available a postcard form for those who wish to obtain a record of past earnings credited to their social security account. A representative of the social security office will be at the Utah State Employment Service in Cedar Cltyin Tuesday, May 1 from 10 a. m. untU 12 noon and from 1 to 3 p. m. |