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Show i Central Board Endorses Young Ittoraev The Iron County Republican Central Committee in meeting Wednesday night unanimously approved Robert L. Gardner for appointment to the position of Iron County Attorney. A vacancy vacan-cy has existed in the office since the resignation of A. M. Marsden early In April, and the Board of County Commissioners will undoubtedly un-doubtedly take action to fill the vacancy at the regular May meeting on Monday, May 14. Mr. Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardner of Cedar City, will graduate from the University Uni-versity of Utah this month and has filed formal application for the position. He Is highly recommended rec-ommended and has the support of the Republican committee for the appointment, Henry Smith, committee chairman, reports. The committee also cleared Patrick H. Fenton, Cedar City at torney, for appointment to the executive board of the Republican Repub-lican Central Committee. Morgan Slack, Cedar Cltv. was named county finance chairman. A list of registrars for the various vari-ous votings districts' of the county was prepared bv the committee to be submitted to the county commissioners Monday for consideration. con-sideration. Mr. Smith also reports that the executive committee was In-structed In-structed to procred with organization organi-zation of all district In the coun-ty coun-ty In which such organization has not already Jeen completed. |