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Show Popular Air Force Engines To Go on Exhibition I Two of the Air Force's busiest aircraft engines the J-35 and the R-2800 will be exhibited by : Detachment No. 1, Orientation Group, USAF, of Norton Air Force Base, Calif, in Cedar City, Utah on May 19, 1956. This display is installed permanently per-manently in a specially modified modi-fied trailer van and will be free to the public. Wherever possible pos-sible these engines have been cut away and modified so the spectators may view their complex com-plex Interior construction. Each engine is also powered by an electric motor which turns the engines at slow speed and enables en-ables the spectators to see the interior moving parts during engine en-gine operation. The J-35, manufactured by Allison, Al-lison, is an axial flew turbojet aircraft engine developing 5.000 lbs. of thrust, each the equivalent equival-ent of one horsepower under restricted re-stricted conditions. This power plant Is used in the F-84 "Thun-derjet" "Thun-derjet" fighter bomber and the B 45 "Tornado'' attack bomber. jrBiojre Z8 3 pu 6Z Z '9Z S '9frO 1 MMod o posn sj pue jaModasjoii OOO'Z saonpojd 11 sjapunto 81 3uabh 'joj jry aqi Xq pasn saujSua adXj uojsjd isa2ii at) jo auo si 'XaujfifM 1 JjBij Xq pajnpBjnuBUi '008Z-H aupBDOJdpaJ IBU0JJU3AUO0 aqj, |