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Show Federation of Music j Clubs Announces Auditions for 1957 The Utah Federation of Music Clubs, in cooperation with the National Federation of Music Clubs, will sponsor the 13th Biennial Bi-ennial Student Auditions ear.'y in March. 1957. Music students between the ages of 16 and 23 may participate in the following divisions: jiano, voice, organ, violin and vlolineello. A repertoire reper-toire of four groups of difficult ' compositions are required. A list of the required numbers and other detailed Information mav be obtained from Mrs. Ralnh P. Ounn, student auditions chairman, chair-man, 2329 E 3080 South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Inasmuch as the numbers require re-quire a good many months' of preparation, It is suggested that Interested students secure this Information at once. Winners in the audition will perform again the district auditions, audi-tions, and will a.'so receive an official certificate signed by the national president and the state president of Federated Music ' Clubs. |