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Show CQ for firsts 11 f0rlU I m m for the holidays take a new look at SUNNY BROOK Kentucky Straight Bourbon Kentucky Blended Whiskey THt Oil lUlllir HOOK IHTIIUIT CO. lOUUYIllt. IT. RCNTOCRT ITHICHT I0UII0I tniim to rioor, itimciT luwoiitiUET it rioor. iix ciaiuiutiu trims I 250 South Main Street JU 6-8321 I CEDAR CITY. UTAH I I 0er. I & S ' A complete and dignified ser- $ r vice with better facilities and g i at economical prices. g I IS JOHN L CRANDALL 1 fc M 1 Vice President Mortician $ Mr. Crandall General Manager Once again in automotive history it's time to "Look At All 3" About thirty years ago, automotive that this year. Rambler di4 it years ago, I " history was made when a newcomer, so our costs have long sitK been written I r , Plymouth, first challenged the giants of off a major reason why wc can add so I Compare these Other two the industry with an advertisement that many other features to our cars. I Rambler Classic-size cars with said, "Look at all three." Even more than this-we realize that, q j. - - , Today, a similar situation, but in re- as an independent automobile company fC Jt I VI CS HlZL IRl verse, is making new history as the giants competing in a market dominated by niic, i i ,n -Ford and Chevrolet-try to challenge giants, we must offer an obviously better S,andar1 f Compact Car Excellenc another car. value in both product and price to exist i 1 1 Today, they have each produced a new and succeed. That we are doing so is Standard 4 Door Sedans "JJ8,1 CHEVY II FAIRLANE car trying to challenge Rambler. evidenced by our sales growth. MN t .., .v, The Rambler Classic, for over six f w also know that our best insurance ov. J, Len8,h, ,nchei 190 0 183 0 I 197 6 years, has been America's only middle- for SUCCCSS " l? nd 0vera Width- ,nchet y2- fTy- sizecar-theonlycompactthathasroom ProSress Wlth a help produce it- c, PoUnds Ti itT TT for six footers in full comfort. our emPIoyccs and customers. IJ Tm T'll'tJ J , V 30" For over six vears Rambler has offered Shari"S prgrCSS W'th customers is thc Horsepower, standi TTo hor over six years. Rambler has ollered real key to success. Only by adding more 6cyi,nd " 101 car buyers the best of both-b.g-car and more improvcmcnJts Zaddingb more t. room and performance, w.th compact- and more va(ueand maki 05uf carj dva car economy and handling ease. M 11(,Ma c tb.. Horsepower. standard v a Noi ... J b more usable, more comfortable, more (rcty ini.n.d) . 250 Ay..i.tx 145 Thc overwhelming acceptance of this trouble-free, more economical to buy To,ue, v s (Passing Power) 34o - 2i6 car by the public has resulted in such a and to operate, can we grow. 1 t't" ' phenomenal success that Rambler now ncneteadr00m, f'nU VES VES N0 N0 NO N0 outsells all other cars but the two giants. When you realize that we have added JoV'e, Room. Front. R..r no no' T ITrVl? It was inevitable, of course, that these 102 advancements to our 1962 lncn" 43 40 3 43 5 aa s 45 2 4J4 two ciants would arrive at the Rambler models and lowered prices on every one Most Shoulder Room, Front. Rear yes ves no no no no Classic size sometime f "-you can understand why our 'nch'' 58 1 58 5 55 5 55 5 56 7 57 0 Classic Size SOmClime. sales keen Wiring Most H.p Room. Front. Rear VES YES NO NO NO NO That time is now. Ford has announced ' ' P. soar,nS- ,'"'' I597 604 590 M " its Fairlane, Chevrolet its Chevy II. MaLny ,mc 1 havc Predicted publicly j"'11,' T V Ilin.TllTlflTIlN UVii 1 ! . . 3 that the Rambler Classic size eventually ooubie-sateiy Brake system yes no ho i So now it is time for the astute car would bc thc new slanJarJ.ue car . s.n.Ad,.t.n,Br,M. yes buyer again to 'look at all thrcc"-but America-and that Ford and Chevrolet "T' T this time, Chevrolet, Ford and Rambler. woud ,osc thdr ,cad mkn thcy ? C?ZZ! n no no For 1962, Rambler offers two fine cars duccd cars of similar size. ah welded smgie unit construction yes semi yes" in thc "best-of-both" size. Now thcy have done that, and you can 3?";" Ch",,t Lubr,ca,,on ncT ns Thc chart at thc right compares them look at all three: Rambler, Fairlane, and Matl MiLt with the Ford and Chevrolet entries. Chevy II. CuZ?ZTal,mg yes no no Even a quick check shows that thc Ram- When you do, I believe you will find w,dest Tracn ot Any compact m fabler fa-bler Classic (or Ambassador V-8) offers Rambler an obviously better value in Best Road clearance us no no far more advantages to the buyer than product and pi ice 7 0 6 0 thC Other two Cars. lounge-Tut Rechn.ng Seat Ottered YES NO NO . . . . .. . . v 2 Year Battery Guarantee YES NO NO This, too, is inevitable. Best Tummg D.amt.r So" So"- It costs millions and millions of dol- y,, F,t (37 170 v 8 38 4 39 5 lars to convert production lines to build- y n ing cars with unitized construction. Both r rI'!! t U"',M Um "" " w these competitive cars have had to do President, American Motors Corporation m, m., , Wc,. n t,w t, . .,. |