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Show NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his authorized au-thorized representative, in the office of-fice of the Forest Supervisor, Cedar City, Utah, up to and not later than 10:00 a. in., January 8, 1962, for all live and recently dead (sound sapwood) timber marked or designated for cutting on an area of approximately 5'J0 acres in the North Creek .tainage, Township 33 and 34 Souih, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Dixie National Na-tional Forest, estimated to contain con-tain live and recently dead (sound sapwood) sawtimber as follows: 1,915 Mft. b. m. of En-gclmann En-gclmann spruce-Alpine fir, more or less. In addition there Is within the sale area an unestimated volume of merchantable older dead (unsound (un-sound sapwood) sawtimber of all species which will be paid for at $1.00 per M ft. b. m. The minimum acceptable bid per M ft. b. m. for live and recently re-cently dead (sound sapwood) timber is: For Engleman spruce-Alpine spruce-Alpine fir logs $5.25 which includes in-cludes a base rate of $2.35 for stumpage and $2.00 for slash disposal. The term "stumage" Includes deposit for sale area betterment. The prices bid for stumpage for live and recently dead (sound sapwood) timber shall be considered consi-dered as tentative rates which shall be reduced or increased by 0.5 of the difference between the contract base indices and the quarterly average of the Western Pine Association index prices as calculated by the Forest Service at the end of each calendar quarter. quar-ter. In no event, however, shall the adjusted rates for each quarter quar-ter be less than the base rates stated above. The stumpage rates for older dead (unsound sapwood) will not be subject to quarterly adjustment. For Engelmann spruce-Alpine fir, which have two base indices, (1) the high ase index will be used when the average Index is higher than such high base index, in-dex, (2) no adjustment will be made when the average index equals either of the base indices or falls between them, and (3) the low base index will be used when the average index is lower than such base index. A certified check, cashier's check, bank draft, or money order, or-der, payable to the Forest Service, Ser-vice, USDA, in the amount of $3400.00 must accompany each bid to be applied on the pur- -chase price, refunded or retained in whole or In part as actual or liquidated damages according to the provisions of the bid. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions con-ditions of the sale, and submission submis-sion Oi utus aiiuuiu utr uuiaineu from the District Ranger, Esca-lante, Esca-lante, Utah, or the Forest Supervisor, Super-visor, Cedar City, Utah. (December. 7, 1961.) |