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Show Troop Scribe Completes Narrative Of Events at National Jamboree Last week the Iron County Record Rec-ord published notes of the scribe for the Cedar City delegation to the National Scout jamboree up to Sunday evening, July 19. The remaining events of the trip, as recorded by Berrctt Baldwin, the scribe, are being continued this week. Twenty-two boys, under the direction di-rection of Kay Knell, troop leader lead-er attended the national jamboree jambor-ee held at Irvine Ranch, Calif. The group returned to Cedar City on the evening of July 21. Following is young Baldwin's report: Monday, July 20 it was our turn to swim at the beach, along with several other troops from our section of the Jamboree village. vil-lage. This occupied our morning. In the afternoon the big event was the Air Show put on by a nearby air base. Participating in this attraction was two large blimps, 15 helicopters, a large number of fighter planes and five Panther jets composing the Navy Blue Angels flight demonstration demon-stration team. They demonstrated demonstrat-ed precision flight and acrobatic maneuvers for us. Tuesday, July 21, we spent a great deal of time attending demonstrations by other troops and working on Jamboree Achievement awards. These awards were similar to the Merit Mer-it Badge program conducted during dur-ing the year within Individual troops. We also spont a good deal of time swapping ideas with boys from other areas. Tuesday evening eve-ning was one of the biggest events of the jamboree when we met at the area for the big Hollywood Hol-lywood All-Star revue. Bob Hope was master of ceremonies and introduced the many stars who appeared before us. Among them were such popular stars as Jane Powell, June Allyson, Debbie Reynolds, Art Link letter, Jeff Chandler, Vera Ellen, Jan Sterling, Ster-ling, Dick Powell, Mitzi Gaynor, and many famous western stars. After the program a huge fireworks fire-works display was presented. On July 22, our troop went in swimming for the third and last time while at the Jamboree and it was here that the only serious accident occurred. Kent Morris of our troop stepped in a hole on the beach and fractured his foot arid had to wear a cast the rest of the trip. Thursday, July 23 was the final day of the Jamboree. The morning morn-ing was spent taking down the .ents and cleaning up our camp site. Thursday evening the closing clos-ing program was held at the area and at that time chief scout executive Arthur Shuck, officially official-ly closed the Third National Jam-bore. Jam-bore. We boarded the buses that night after the program and traveled tra-veled all night to Las Vegas where we had breakfast and toured the Last Frontier Village. We had lunch in St. George and went for a refreshing swim at the municipal swimming pool after af-ter which we continued to our homes in Cedar City. |