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Show Pot-Luck Supped Held By Members of Wool Growers Aux. The Wool Growers auxiliary, their husbands and children, enjoyed en-joyed a pot-luck supper "clown in the eottonwoods" at the Grant Hunter farm last Friday evening. After supper, which was served cafeteria style, the group of more than 60 people enjoyed community commu-nity singing, accompanied by Rev. Wm. Burton on the accordion. accord-ion. Mr. and Mrs. Burton were .special guests of the auxiliary organization. Two skits were presented, the first being a reading tabloid "The Death of a Sheep Herder", by Mrs. Ray Dent and Mrs. Alex Williams. The second reading was a farce entitled "No, No, a Thousand Times No", by Mrs. lhi Jones, Mrs. J. M. Palmer, Mrs. McKay Bulloch, Mrs. Wesley Bauer and Mrs. Kern Bulloch. Following the skits the group joined in games under the direction di-rection of Mrs. Rulon Wood and Mrs. Uauer, after which all re-jointNtl re-jointNtl to sing more songs. Auxiliary president, Mrs. Grant Hunter, announced at the gathering gather-ing the approach of "Lamb and Wool Week", to be staged in Cedar Ce-dar City the last week in August and urged the cooperation of all to join in and help make the week a success. A lamb and corn roast has been planned by the Wool Growers to top off the "Lamb and Wool Week" in August. |