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Show Utah Symphony Secures Guest Artists The Utah Symphony will open I its 14th season on Wednesday, Nov. 4, according to Raymond J. Ashton, new president, after a meeting with the symphony board. A 10-concert program is scheduled sched-uled with four outstanding guest artists on the slate. Helen Trau-bel Trau-bel will appear with the orchestra orches-tra on Nov. 18; Pascha Heifetz on Jan. 6; Grant Johanneson on Feb. 3, and Jakob Gimpel on Feb. 27. Other concerts are slated for Dec. 2 and 12, Jan. 20, Feb. 13 and March 13. Utah's great conductor, Maurice Maur-ice Abravanel, will return for his seventh season, and most of the orchestra members of last year will be back in the fold, according accord-ing to David S. Romney, managing man-aging director. Tickets for the 1953-54 season are now available at the Utah Symphony office, 55 West First South. Season tickets may be reserved re-served now and paid for by in- stallments between now and the opening, according to Mr. Romney. |