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Show Veapons Now Exist That Peril World ! Could Wipe Out last Vestige Of All Forms of Life. NEW YORK. Weapons now exist, without includine the atomic humh "that could wipe the last vestige of human, animal and vegetable life from the face of the earth," according accord-ing to Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacha-rias, Zacha-rias, U. S. N., retired. "These weapons exist," Zacha-rlas Zacha-rlas wrote in the United Nations World, a privately financed magazine maga-zine and not an official U. N. publi-cation. publi-cation. "They are being manufactured manufac-tured right now and they are not an American monopoly. Several na-i na-i tions are known to have them." The admiral described the weapons weap-ons "shrouded In the closest military mili-tary secrecy" as of a biological, bacteriological and climateological nature. He added that the United States now has an atom bomb 50 times more powerful than those dropped at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Russia, the navy man asserted, Is investigating military applications applica-tions of cosmic rays and is proceeding proceed-ing with rocket development; Britain Brit-ain is making progress in guided missiles, and the United States has a secret biological weapon, "a germ proposition" sprayed from aircraft or rockets. 'These modern weapons," Zacha-rias Zacha-rias said, "bear only slight similar-lty similar-lty to conventional armaments of the past, permit the waging of lnter-contincntal war from long distances. dis-tances. They are designed to destroy de-stroy life in enormous areas," Furthermore, he said, the new weapons are of such a nature that their lethal quality continues long after actual use, would jump International-boundaries and oceans. Areas attacked would have to be quarantined and It might be "a thousand years before those blasted areas will again support life of any kind." |