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Show Spotlighting UTAH I UTAH PICTURES CAPTIVATES ESTERNEBS A photo of a Utah snow-covered log cabin against a forest aud winter background at Brighton seems to have captivated readers of a recent Sunday edition of the New York Times. The photo was reproduced In the New York newspaper news-paper In a four-column display and was one of a group of photos sen! the paper by the Utah Department of Publicity and Industrial Development. Devel-opment. , Two letters have been received by the Utah Publicity department this week asking about the picture. One came from a Connecticut woman wo-man and the other from Miami Beach, Florida. Apparently what captivated the easterner's was the log cabin, nestling in four feet of snow. UTAH HAD MILLION VISITORS IN 1947 That Utah was visited by over one million out-of-stato persons during 1947 can no longer be doubted. doubt-ed. The record at Temple Square reveals that for the past 11 months 663,804 persons have visited this famous attraction. The December count will In all probability send the Temple Square visitation for the year over one million people, It Is believed. MORE INDUSTRY SEEN FOR UTAH A major oil refining plant to be built at a cost of $5,000,000 has been announced for Salt Lake City by the Standard Oil Company of California. Cali-fornia. This Is only the first unit of the company's plans for expansion expan-sion in Utah. The new plant will be rushed to completion within a year to accommodate the firm's $5,000,-000 $5,000,-000 pipeline to be built from the big oil field at Rangeley, Colorado to Salt Lake City. Of further Interest Is the fact that the Standard Oil company plans to pipe oil from Salt Lake City to Spokane within the next two or three years. In the meantime, the Utah Oil Refining company has announced its Intention of enlarging Its present plant at a cost of $2,500,000. |