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Show ; OGDEN : (Correspondence Jntermountain Catholic.) One of the most beautiful marriage ceremonies which has been performed in Ogden in some time was that w hich united Mr. Richard McCormick and Miss Ella Cornelia Hickey, Thursday morning, January 11. Promptly at 10 o'clock Mr. McCormick and Miss Hickey, with the maid of honor, Miss Katherine McCormick. and the best man, Mr. J. F. Hassett, marched up the center aisle, to the strains of Mendelssohn's Men-delssohn's Wedding March, to the altar, where they were met by Rev. Father Cushnahan, who officiated. After the ceremony a Nuptial High Mass was sung by the entire choir, after af-ter which the happy young couple, ac-comipanied ac-comipanied by their relatives, repaired to the home of the groom's parents, wiiere a delicious wedding, breakfast was served. The bride, who is a tall brunette, looked very handsome in a going away gown of brown broadcloth, trimmed with white stitching and mar. tin fur. The bodice had a yoke and front nf white satin, overlaid with real lace. Her Paris hat matched her gown. Mi; s McCormick's gown was tan cioth, with trimmings of pink, and she wore a pink hat. Miss Hickey, now Mrs. McCormick. Mc-Cormick. during the short time in which she has made her home in Ogden, Og-den, hem endeared herself to a large circle of friends, and Mr. McCormick, pifil3 e?1Plo'ee of the Southern racific, has always lived in Ogden and admired and respected by eveo- I "itrtS'll' r;..and Mr?- McCormick I ;ntriw,r California, where they will spectl their honeymoon. Those present , the breakfast were Rev. p. m Cush- 1 fflnV Messrs" and Mesdames J. H. Shufflebarger, E. M. Conrov, T D Ry-?- F; Fitzserald, Mrs. Hassett,' Mrs. Pnelen, Mrs. Young of Salt Lake Miss Conroy and Mr. T. F. Hassett. ' Friday being the twenty-seventh anniversary an-niversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Phelan's wedded life, a few of their friends, by invitation of Mrs. Connor, gave them a beautiful surprise at their home on Lincoln avenue. Each guest presented them with a piece of china. A pleasant time ait cards was enjoyed by all, Mr. Connor and Mrs. Murray carrying off the grand prizes. At midnight one of Uhcee elegant lunches for which Mrs. Connor is famous was served, after which music, vocal and instrumental, delighted the assembly till the wee small hours, when they all den-arted, wishing Mr. and MrsPhalen many happy returns of the day. Those invited in-vited were Mr and Mns Connor. Croupe. .Tpnlfins AT VTclnno Wosa ATur. ray. Caine, Gamble and Mrs. Cannon; Misses Griffen. Kelly, Farmer, Knowel, Phalen and O'Neill; Messrs. Farrell, Dumas and Code. |