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Show NON-CATHOLIC MISSION. With Malice Towards None, With Charity Towards All. During the past week, at the Audi torium, Fathers Hopper and MacCorry gave a series of lectures on the following follow-ing living and "of interest to all" subjects: sub-jects: Tuesday. Jan. 16. "The Divinity of Christ." The Manhood. The Godhead. Objections. The Proof. The Unitarian Unitar-ian Dilemma. The Testimony of Christianity. Chris-tianity. Consolations of the Doctrine. Wednesday, Jan. 17. "Confession." A Remedy. Its Institution. Scripture. Tradition. Its Utility. Its Conditions. Thursday, Jan. IS. "Blessed Virgin and Purgatory." Mother of God. Her Virginity. Her Immaculate Conception, j Devotion to Her Reasonable. Prayers for the Dead. Proof from Scripture and Tradition. Consoling Doctrine. Friday, Jan. 19. "'The Bible." Its' Authenticity. Its Style. Its Doctrines. Its Effects. Objections. Its Vindica- , tion. I Saturday, Jan. 20. "The Future i Life." Hell. Its Possibility. Its Ex- istence. Its Lessons. Heaven. Its , Hope. Its Assurance. Its Joy. These lectures are especially for non- j Catholics, not that the reverend lecturers lectur-ers hope to reap a harvest in converts, but to break down prejudice and show-up show-up the vexed points of Catholic doc- ..: in o trim imnnrfial liwht All 1 questions placed in the box, located at ' the hall door for that purpose, were answered in all frankness without malice mal-ice or controversy. At all times the Paulist Fathers were on the defensive and seldom, if ever, on the aggressive. Not a word was spoken to wound the ; feelings of our dissenting friends. A simple, plain and sincere representation of facts was aimed at and fully accomplished. accom-plished. The attendance, was large and we trust that, much prejudice was dissipated. dis-sipated. There is no reason why friendship friend-ship and fellow feelings should not ex- i ist even where there is a difference of I religious opinions. L |