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Show ALLOWING OUR NATURES TO BROADEN. To five generously of nn's own nature na-ture is not only a precaution against loneliness, but the constant giving helps to mould one's nature. It seems to me that the "girl who has no advantages" ad-vantages" should, above all. keep her nature mouldable. There is a benefit in changeablenerts which very few people peo-ple recognize. The girl who outgrows ; her old opinions, who is inlluenced by j new developments, who is willing to give up old prejudices this is the girl who is growing and who will still grow, j The "girl who ha? no advantages" is a lit to be a girl of strong prejudices, . and needs to be careful lest her pre- f. judices make her narrow and bar away Ifrom her many an avenue of pleasure and success.-. This question was put to me the other day: "Do wealthy girls sympathize more with their poorer sisters, or do poor girls sympathize more with their wealthy sisters?" And I felt bound to acknowledge that, as a class, the wealthy weal-thy girls seemed to be more sympathetic, sympa-thetic, more yielding, more willing to acknowledge themselves in the wrong, more willing to learn than are the ! poorer girls. Yet it is obviously true j that this should not be the case; an-d it goes to show that the poorer girls do not always make use of those great advantages which they have for learning learn-ing opportunities of this line are often much greater than those of wealthy girls. |