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Show Union Stock Yards national Bank, South Omaha, I FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Omaha. Neb. JOHN A. CREIGHTON. Vice President. MINES AND STOCKS. With headquarters in the greatest mining center in the world, we have exceptional facilities for obtaining the very best both in stocks and mines. Information In-formation cheerfully given. LYMAN. A. SISLEY & CO., i' 47 E. Broadway, Butte, Montana, i I ' ' ' ' pis m I BANKING Butts 2ily. W. A. CLARK. J. ROSS CLARK. : W. A. CLARK & BRO., j-. BANKERS, j BUTTE CITV. MONTANA. ! TRANSACT A CFXKUAt, L1A. kl.Ni't r.t'SIXE33. Buy Gold Dust. ,..;. I Hars. stllv.-r Bullion, .Local SocuritU-s. Boxes for rent in the nr.ly P;'.fs IVpoy't Vaults in the city. S-ll Exchange available avail-able In all the principal itii-s of the Unite ! States and Kuroiie. i yt Sjueoial attention wit be given col- " lections. ALEX J. JollXSTOX. I C j Marcus Daiy. M. bonahoe. W. L. M-yer, Successors to Marcus Daly & Co., BUTTE. MONTANA. A GENERAL HANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Accounts of firms and ir.d; viduala solicited. solic-ited. Drafts drawn on ali prtneipad citi-st of the United Status and Eir.pe. :-ci il facilities for handtiug coileeti.ms on all points. W. L. MOYEI. R. A. fCUNKEU Manager. Assi. Cashier. JOHN A. CKETCrHTOX, - President.-GEO. President.-GEO. W. STAPLE-TON. Vice President. T. M. ilODGEXS. - - Cashier. State Savings Bank, BUTTE. MONTANA. .' TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on deposits. Draft3 sold on all parts of the world. DIRECTORS: John A. Creighton, G. W. Staple ton,! A. II. P.irrer, E. D. Leavitt. S. V. Keinser. J. O. ll.Klgens, T. M. I to d gens. O. K. LEWIS 1 Trident. J". H. VIVIAN Vice President. 'AYETTE HARRINGTON Cashier. the Silver Bow national Bank, BUTTE, MONTANA. CAPITAL, - - $100,000.00. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED ATTEND-ED TO. BUY AND SELL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. INTEREST IN-TEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. t Tirst national Bank, BL'TTE. MONTANA. ANDREW J. DAVIS... President. J. A. TALBOTT Vice President. E. B. WEIRICK Cashier. GEO. STEVENSON Assistant Cashier.; This bank solicits accounts and offers to depositors absolute security, prompt ami careful attention, and the most liberal treatment consistent with safe and profitable profit-able banking. Buys and sells foreign exchange, drawing direct on all principal American and European cities, and i.:sue its own Letters of Credit. No intererL paid on deposits. Special attention given to collections. Salt yv UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. the national Bank ol the Republic. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Capital -30O.OCO "0 Surplus and Undivided Profits.... 13.000 00 Deposits S000 OFFICERS. FRANK KNOX, GEO. A. LOWE. President. Vice. Pres. ED. W. DUNCAN. Cashier. PeGoMeMGo. BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. ESTABLISHED 1S73. Transact a General Banking1 Busln?. the State Bank of Utah, Commercial Eankinsr in all its Branches. I ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Special attention given to country trade. I WELLS, FARM) BMK Salt Lake City, Uta&. ESTABLISHED 1852. ' Transact a General Banking Business. J. E. DOOLY. Cashier. iSii urn ea CAPITAL PAID IN, $200,000. General Banking in All it3 Branches. Directors Dr. Theodore Meyer, John J. . . Dalv. O. J. Salisbury, Moyian C. Fox. Thomas Marsnall. W. P. No !!, Gorj,- M. Downey, John Denneiixtn, i HolUsa. |