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Show Ml HALLOWS iOE ; Last Friday Rev. Father O'Brien, the bright, amiable and talented young priest of Helena Cathedral, paidi the college a flying visit on his way for a few months' rest to Las Vegas, N. M. All the boys, with the exception of Paul McCormick and Ransom Rice, who are expected in a few days, have returned, after spending most pleasantly pleasant-ly the Christmas holiday with their parents, and are working hard for the half-yearly examination, which takea place towards the end of the month. The new boys who have entered as boarders since Christmas are: Eugene Harington, Butte, Mont.; George Crumbly, Crum-bly, Victor, Colo.; Frank Hayes, Lead-ville, Lead-ville, Colo; Bert Bartholomew, Price. Utah; Eddie Baldoe, Lafayette, La, who last year attended Jarvis Hall, Denver, Colo. Rev. Father Rulquin, who takes such a lively intertst in the boys' library, is rejoincing over the acquisition of more than a hundred new volumes. Dr. Root, fo kind and attentive in all things relating to the physical welfare wel-fare of the students, has shown his interest in-terest jn their intellectual progress by presenting their library with an elegantly, ele-gantly, bound Encyclopaedia Britanni-ca, Britanni-ca, in twenty-four volumes. Already so popular, this generous gift will endear en-dear him etill more to his youthful friends. The students are likewise deeply grateful for books and magazines donated do-nated to their library by Mrs. Lawlor and by Master Creighton, Lavger, Rossd Flynn, John Hennesy, R. Thill, Earnest Megeath, Bonner Gordon, Albert Al-bert Murphy. On last Thursday the students, wish- i ing to show their appreciation of the interest taken by the Very Rev. Pres- ident, Father Larkin, in their library, presented him with a year's subscription subscrip-tion for the following monthlies: Mc-Clure's Mc-Clure's Magazine, the North American Review, The Cosmopolitan, The Review of Reviews, Little's? Living Age. Father Larkin, in returning most cordial cor-dial thanks for the thoughtful gift, made a few happy remarks on the utility util-ity of judicious reading. Rev. Father Roser, who presides over the colloge museum and scientific department, de-partment, has been made very happy by quite a number of new donations. A stuffed eagle, the gift of Mr. Frank Mc-Gurren, Mc-Gurren, is much appreciated. Mr. Joseph Jo-seph Luce has contributed several interesting in-teresting reptile specimens. Mr. P. Brogan of New Chicago, Mont., sent by his son Tom some choice gold nuggets from his Elk creek placers. Mr. A. B. Moss made a pretty gift of copper and garnet specimens. Mr. Don Maguire of Ogden, an old contributor, has presented pre-sented a variety of mineral samples. A beautiful and unique contribution came from Mr. Brett, a well known gentleman gentle-man in San Francisco. It is in the form of highly finished colored photo-graphics photo-graphics representing Japanese landscape land-scape scenery and vivid scenery of every day Japanese life. Accompanying these are choice hand paintings on rice paper. Needless to acid, the Rev. Professor Pro-fessor is deeply grateful to such kind and generous friends of the institution. The baseball season has begun and great rivalry is showing itself for a place in the college nine. On "Wednesday "Wed-nesday afternoon there was a lively practice game on the college campus between an aggregation styling themselves them-selves the "Granite Stars" and another styling themselves the "California Wonders." The "Stars" suffered eclipse, owing to the wonderful batting and brilliant field play of the Califor-nians. Califor-nians. The final score stood 9 to 3. J. Gallagher, captain of the "Stars," and by the way, a star captain, is not, however, how-ever, discouraged, but is confident next time there will be such a . different story that the Californians an taste for awhile the sweets of wonderland. |