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Show HELENA : 4.4-- 4- (Correspondence ltitei mountain Catholic.) Helena, Jan. 1G. The two weeks' mission mis-sion given bv the Paulist Fathers, Hopper Hop-per anil MacCcny, at the cathedral cf the Sacred Hearts,- closed on Saturday night last. Father Hopper conducting the final exercises. At the conclusion of a very practical and logical sermon on -'The Sacraments" the immense assemblage, as-semblage, chiefly men. stood up, and facing the altar bearing all the accessories acces-sories of the Sacrament from the font to the Register, renewed their baptismal baptis-mal vows. The Papal benediction, to which is attached a plenary indulgence, was then given while all reverently knelt. The work of the mission was a decided success in many ways. Many non-Catholics attended the services and several are now under instruction for baptism. Comment upon the speakers speak-ers and the topics handled is unnecessary. unneces-sary. Those 'who have not had the pleasure of hearing Fathers Hoppen and MacCorry know them by reputation reputa-tion for their thrilling eloquence and conclusive argument. The lax Catholics Cath-olics of Helena have received a warning warn-ing admonition that leaves no excuse for future laxity and indifference, while our non-Catholic friends have heard words that mus' cause thought which will finally result, if not in conversion, at least in fair mindedness. |