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Show YOTJJSTGr ets TTOUK'G REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Fire, Life, Accident. Liability. Plate Glass Insurance. Rooms 202-203 Whiting-ham Whiting-ham Block, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake School of Law W. First South (Ford's Hotel.) Salt Lake City. Utah. The Winter Term opens January 2. V.m. Day and Evening classes. Terms moderate. moder-ate. Send for Annual. PROF. J. WillTELEY, President. DENVER ADV E. P. McGOVERN, 1442 ARAPAHOE STREET. Denver, Colo. Wood, Metal and Cloth Cases, j AND CASKETS. j Heareeg, Hardwnre. Robes. Linings and ! Funeral Furniture. j SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW DR. DAMERON'S dental work is so perfect per-fect that it can't be improved on by any dentist at any price. See Dr. Darneron's special inducements this month $5 for c $10 set of teeth: $10 for the best set of teeth on earth; $5 a tooth for gold crown ' and bridge work; 50c for silver fillings; gold, $1 up; air and gas used: no pain: 50c to remove tartar; open nights and Sundays. Sun-days. ALBANY DENTAL PARLORS. Union block. Arapahoe St., opposite P. O. Grmduato of the Oriental School of Embalming. W. P. HORAN, Funeral Undertaker and Embalmer. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Telephone 1,368. 620 Fifteenth St. - - - - Charles Block. Denver, Cclo. a7w.clark, FAMILY DRUGGIST, Dispenser of Medicine. Telephone 1460 Night Bell. Corner Eighth and Santa Fe Avenues. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Denver. Colo NAST, THE6HEAT BABY PBOTOfiRAPKR Corner 16th and Curtis. Opp. Tabor Opera House. Denver - -- -- -- -- -- - Colo. MEDAL .AWARDED By the National Photograph Association ; at Jamestown, N. Y.. July, 1S39. THE OXFORD HOTEL, iear Union Depot, Denver, Colo. Fire-proof. Popular Prices. Strictly First-class. Rates for Rooms: $1 to $2 per day, specia) Monthly Rates. j First-class- Restaurant. j OTTO KAPPLER. I C. H. MORSE. j DIAMOND' COAL Ignites Freelyl Has Little Ash! Great Heat! Lasts a Long Timef Long Weights! Prompt D- ry: O'BRIEN BROS., Sole Agts. Office 121 South. Main Street. Telephone 166. DUVALL & McCLOSKEY are Painters. I WALL TINTING. PAPER IIANGTNC,, i 124 West Second South. E ,UT&H STAMP & STENCIL CO., 72 E. Second South. Street. Tel. 64.";. rinz.i GEO. G. DOYLE & CO. .Modern Plumbing: and House Keating, m I 211 South State Street. 'Phono. 1C Salt Lake City. UNION ASSAY OFFICE 152 S West Tempi" St., Salt Lak Ci:y. I'tah. M. S. HANAUER. A. C, M.inacr-.r. Samples by Mail or Express Will Recvivu Prumpt Attention. Analytical Work a Specialty. Amlvs Made of Oris, Mim-r On'., Coke, Mineral Water.-?, Ktc. Reference?: Wtills, Farjo i .. M--Cmick & Co.. T. K. Jones & Co.. t'nion National Punk and Deseiret National Bank. marobn Cbe Caller, ICS East Second South. Holmes Building;. SALT LAKE CITY. ! GEORGE H. INGHAM, I FIRE INSURANCE. SURETY PONDS. REAL ESTATE. 1 Special attention s:en to the, manage.- I merit of rentable property. 1 60 West Second South. Salt Lake City. 1 rEBTISEMENTS. THE GEYSERITE SOAP CO., Manufacturers of DENVER BEST AND WHITE ROSE Laundry Soaps. Peaver. C'cJo. LOG CABIN BAKERY 1207 Fifteenth Street. Pure Rye Bread. Rye Bread with Caraway seed. FIRST-CLASS MEALS. 13c. 1207 Fifteenth St.j Denver,. Qila. fj&&Uuiv "cl IHE UNIVERSITY OF KOTRE NORTE DAME, INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classics. Letters, Economics and History, Journalism, Art, Science, Pharmacy, Law. Civil. Mechanical Mechanic-al and Electrical Engineering, Archi- i tecture. ( Thorough Preparatory and Commercial . Coi'-rses. ROOMS FREE to all Students who have. I completed the studies required for a.l- , mission into the Junior or Senior Year of any of the Collegiate Courses. "j ROOMS TO RENT, moderate charge to j students over seventeen preparing for i Collegiate Courses. I' A limited number of candidates for th 1 Ecclesiastical state will be received at I special rates ST. EDWARD'S HALL, for boys under 13 years, is unique in the completeness of its equipments. The .th year will open September ath. Catalogues free. CHAS. F. CUWO, ASSAYEB AND CHEMIST. ! Gold. Silver. Lead. 73 cents each. Any 1 two. $1. All three. $1.23. Copper. $1. Zinc. J1.50. Iron. Manpanese, Silica. J2.00 each; all three, to. CO. Prices on other chemical work furnished upon application. Amalgamation, Amal-gamation, Cyanide. Chlorination tests, Sj each. 1732 Champa St.. P. O. Eox .SL DENVER. COLO. E. E. ETJELTNGAME & CO., Assay Office and Chemical Laboratory Established in Colorado. 1866. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt ar.d careful attention. GOLD AND SILVER BOLLIOr! M or chased. COSCESMiOI TESTS JS?8. rite fo "rm 1736-1738 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. I UNITED. Tel. 2043. WOODWORTH'S WALLACE'S $ A I Shorthand College. Business College, g w. a. Mcpherson, b. a.. Mgr. : RObert j. Wallace, principal. V W. A. WOODWORTH, President. $ Prepare for Office Work. Prepare for Business. ir39Cnarnpa street, - - - Denver, Colo. v Ji) THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT - OF THE DENVER NORMAL AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 1543 Glenarm Sireet, Denver, Colo. "We have solved the problem cf a eh ort ar.d complete course in Stenography at less than one-half the cost by the old systems. No teacher, student or pro- I feasioTiai rnaa or woman need be without a practical knowledge of thi3 time- i savins accomplishment. Students may besrin at any time. School op.a ! through the summer. |