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Show ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH. . ! The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. . Joseph's parish gave a well-attended ; progressive high-five Jan, 9 for the ; benefit of the church. After the usual i number of games, prizes were distrib- utcd to the winners. The first prize, a pearl penholder, was awarded to Mie"s Davis: ecand, fanoy photo frame, Mrs. O'Mara; third pr.ze, silver mounted cane, Mr. Frank Young; fourth prize, handkerchief hand-kerchief rase, S. J. Young. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served and all were pleased with the evening's entertainment Charles Cummings of 522 South Water street is suffering with diphtheria. The Married Ladies' Sodality is preparing pre-paring to give a card party very toon. Mr. and Miie. F. P. Johnson have! gone to Fort Worth, Tex., for an in-I in-I definite length of time. During the ab sence of Mrs. Johnson, Miss Mol-lie Mol-lie LVrtmann will preside at the organ. ... The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus i ; "was celebrated on Sunday last, with j Rev. Father Brandt as celebrant of the Mass. There was a very appropriate t-ermon by Father Guemann. The choir rendered Farmer's Mass in B. In the evening at 7:30 there was a solemn reception re-ception of young ladies, also married ladies, into the Sodality of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. There were 110 candidates can-didates received. The solemn service was conducted by Rev. Louis Brandon, C. SS. R.; Rev. Joseph Brandt, C. SS. R., and Rev. Peter Geierman, C. SS. R. Rev Father- Brandt addressed the So-dolists. So-dolists. after which benediction of the M st Blessed Sacrament was given. There was a very large congregation I resent and the Rev. Father Brandt, the spiritual director, deserves much ... praie-v for his zeal Shown in this so ciety. |