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Show DENVER LOCAL. j Miss Lucia Williams handsomely entertained en-tertained the Chafing Dish club at her I home, 1854 Marion street, recently. The guests were Misses Julia Mathey, Ann Chittenden, Violet Preston, Renee Pels, Ella and May Mullen, Alice Hanna, Violet Schaffer, Alice Maitland. May Youngblodt, Inez and Mabel Thorn-burg, Thorn-burg, Messrs. Frank Schroter, E. G. Carson, John Pels, Ed Ungemach, Stanley Stan-ley McGinnis. Peter Schaeffer, W. F. Tyler, David Martin, J. S. Rockey, Mr. Jackman, Dr. Spinney and Fred Nash. Bishop Hennessy of Wichita, Kan., and Bishop Lenihan of Cheyenne, Wyo., have been in town the past week visiting vis-iting Bishop Matz. Bishop Lenihan is preparing to take an extensive trip through Old Mexico, to be gone Indefinitely. Indefi-nitely. The Christmas offering from the cathedral ca-thedral parish was the largest this year of any on record. It amounted to $1,101.15. At Sacred Heart $900 was received re-ceived and at St. Leo's $650. St. Joseph's commandery No. 278 of the Knights of St John, held an installation instal-lation of its officers and reception Monday Mon-day night at Ellis' hall. The following follow-ing officers were installed: Spiritual director, di-rector, Rev. A. B. Casey; president, W. P. Horan;. first vice president, James O'Neill; second vice president, S. J. Young; recording secretary, A. A. Gar-gan; Gar-gan; assistant recording secretary, J. J, McGee; financial secretary, Victor E. Roy; treasurer, S. M. Henaghan; trus tees, J. J. Costello, J. S. Conors. P. E, Lamont, J. H. Reddin and F. J. Cavan-augh. Cavan-augh. At the regular meeting of L. A. to O. R. C. Friday the following officers were installed: President, Mrs. F. W. Graham; Gra-ham; vice president, Mrs. G. A. Briggs; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Thomburg; S. S.. Mrs. C. M. Morse; J. S., Mrs. J. L. Dalton; guard, Mrs. Ed I ,Risley: chairman executive committee, Mrs. Theodore Johnson; first member, airs. C. W. Teneyck; second member, Mrs. E. L. Ellis; correspondent, Mrs. J. L. Kissick; sub-agent insurance, Mrs. G. W. Thornburg. |