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Show HELPING FATHER VICTOR. j (Correspondence Intermountain Catholic.) Anaconda, Colo., Jan. 16. The mem-' bers of St. Patrick's Catholic churci. are making arrangements to hold their first fair here about the middle of February, Feb-ruary, the proceeds to go for enlarging our little church, also in providing and furnishing a comfortable residence for Rev. Father Victor, pastor of Gillett and Anaconda, who heretofore has not had a home in either parish. The Catholic ladies, with the assistance of kind friends of Father Victor's, have been working interestedly for this good cause during the past two weeks, and will devote all their time from now until un-til the closing of the fair in order to make it a financial success. There will be contests for a diamond ring, diamond dia-mond pin gold watch and chain, etc., etc., etc. Booths with fancy articles for raffle and also for sale will be presided pre-sided over by ladies of the parish. Refreshments Re-freshments of various kinds will be served during each evening in the hall. Music and dancing, with amusement for old and young to pass social evenings even-ings while in attendance at the fair. We trust to the kind generosity in donations do-nations and liberal patronage of good friends to help us in our work of making mak-ing our fair a success. It is not to be overlooked that our pastor, before starting the work for the fair, got many to make with him a novena to St. Anthony, An-thony, for, as he often says, "all good comes from above." The numerous "mines in our little camp here are all doing a rushing business. Frank Kinney of Aspen is visiting with the family of James Hinds for the last two weeks. Pneumonia has been quite prevalent for the past few months, but at present pres-ent the cases are decreasing. Mrs. Prince and son, Humbert, will remove from their present residence to rooms vacated by Watkins Bros. Leo, the little son"of Mrs. D. C. Pow- , ers. is quite sick with la grippe. His little playmates wish to see him out soon again. The little daughteTof Mr. U. M. Pe-russe Pe-russe is a victim of smallpox. The child was taken ill while home for the Christmas Christ-mas holidays from the Ursiline convent at Cascade. Miss Conley will leave for Pueblo this week to remain, for some time. She is improving slowly after her serious illness. Her many friends hope she will return in good health. |