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Show THREE WISHES. It was down at trie orpnan asylum, one day. That three little maids sat round the tire. Each telling the things she wished for most. If sha only could havo her heart's desire, de-sire, "I'd like a peny as white as snow," Said Maud, "and I'd ride it each day, of course! And the people would stop as I rode alone. And say. 'Look at that child on the snow-white horse.' " Said Alice, "I'd like to own a ship: And I'd sail clear 'round the world, I guess. And bring back a presant for all the girls. And a beautiful crutch for dear little Bess." Then little lamo Bess, with her gentle voice. Said, looking around from one to the other, "I'll wish for the lovliest thing in the world. That every one of us might have a mother. |