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Show A DENVER VIEW OF DR. M'-GLYHW. M'-GLYHW. In an editorial on Jan. 7, the Denver Republican, speaking of 'the late Dr. MeGlynn, flays: The death of Dr. Edward McGlvnn recalls) the career of a Roman Catholic Catho-lic Priest Who, between ten and fifteen yean? ago, Avars more talked about than any cither m'an outllde of public life in the United States He was an able pulpit crater, and his sermons attracted attract-ed large audiences to Hi's Church. But he took a po:Oticn in regard to certain economic queuticfivs especially the single-tax theory of . Henry George which wa'S condemned by rcome of the Riomain Catholic hierarchy, and this led to His execmrmumication. Fcr oeveral ym.rs Dr. MeGlynn remained re-mained out of the Church, but in the course of time matter-' were adjusted, he made his peace wif.h (his superiors, and ultimately he was reinstated. It w'ais the case, of a man departing frcm the paith of his vocation, on the impure of the. moment, rather than as a result of careful investigation and re-flect::::m. re-flect::::m. Fasciinoited wi'th some of the Henry Gecrge theories. Dr. MeGlynn I yielded to the temptation to advocate them in ways that wore rjot deemed prudent or wiise by these to whom he owed official obedience, ft placed him in antagonism to the authorities of the Church, and as a natural consequence he wati deposed. His return was jus' cs natural. He found himself in an atmosphere at-mosphere which, whatever he may have hoped for, proved to be uncongenial, ar.d as it waa a matter of d.VjcipMne in h:;s case rather than of belief or doctrine, doc-trine, it wsa nlctt long until he found hi.s way back. Dr. MeGlynn was a bril riant man, but he ruined his life by running after a sanitation. Whatever one may believe about religion, it will hardly be disputed dis-puted that by abandoning his vocation he lost nearly all Uhe powei' he pos-oeased pos-oeased to relieve distress or to bring about the abolftion of poverty which w zo his aim. |