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Show I Purk City Priest Endorses "The Intermountain" Prom Pulpit i . , . A i Rev. Father Galligan Declares That This Paper Brings Cheer and Consolation to Catholic Homes and Urges His Congregation to Support It If For No Other Reason, Rea-son, "Take a Catholic Paper For Y oar Children's Sake," ' He Says. He Adds: "When I Visit Your Homes I Want to Find the Intermountain Catholic on Your Library Table." t FATJERGLLIGAN'S EISTDORSEIIEUT. 4- -f (Correspondence Intermountaini Catholic.) -- Park City, Utah, Jan 13. At the 10 o'clock Mass yes-terday. when the -f Catholic Church was crowded with the faithful. Rev. Father Thomas Galligan, the pastor, took occasion to speak in high praise -,: Tlu In- f termountain Catholic. Following so quirkiy on the ndorsevmenT of the- Right Reverend Bishop of Salt Lake and the Rev. Father P. M. Cuoh- f nahan of Ogden, the words of encouragement from the Park City pul- pit were indeed timely and were heartily endorsed by every member oC 4- the congregation. - Father Galligan, and in fact all the clergy of the dioros of Pa!t 4-4- Lake, fully realize the great ami splendid work The Inu-rmountain 4- Catholic is doing and are cheerfully and actively assisting it aiding- 4-4- in placing it on a footing that it may espouse and explain, the faith an-i 4 beliefs of the people for all time to come. 4 Father Galligan was earnest and forc ible in speaking of the power of . 4- the press in general and the Intermountaini in particular. Ho said ire 4- part: - 4- MY DEAR FRIENDS AND BRETHREN: I wish to call your at- -- 4- tention to a matter which concern you all. I wish to call your at ten- 4- 4- tion to the existence of a Catholic 'newspaper ami of which many of you, 4- 4- no doubt, are aware. 4- I refer to the Intermountain Catholic, published at Salt Lake, the 4- seat of this diocese. 4- Mr. Burke, the representative of that paper, is' now in our midst, 4- and perhaps has called on many of you before thi.s. I want to say that 4 The Intermountain is a paper that each and every one of you should have 4- in your homes. It is endorsed by our Rt. Rev. Bishop, and has his 4- hearty support. It is a paper edited! and contributed to by brilliant 4- minds. Mr. McGuire, the editor of thii-i paper, is a man of long ex- -f 4- perience in newspaper and Catholic work and displays, keen judgment 4 4- in the conduct of his enterprise. 4- Rev. Father Malone, formerly editor of the Colorado1 Catholic, of 4- which The Intermountain is the successor, is a constant contributor to itrf 4- 4 column?. You all know what a brilliant mind ha is. As a scholar, a 4 4- theologian and a defender of our faith there is none in the West to eur- 4 4- pas? or ecpual him. Read his articles if you want to know the history of " 4- the Church in this country. 4- 4- My friends, when I -make a sick call, cr visit your home-. I want to ! 4- find The Intermountain there. I want tc be told vf ome gieat eonver-. 4 sion or additional blessing brought about by tha Church: or c onversa- 4- tions on the life of some Saint, or some great and good man of the day. 4 I want to find this paper in every home, instead of, as I sometimes . 4 dt, the work? of Voltair or Payne or even IngeuYoIl among you. Thes: 4 are not the books to have in Christian home?. These are the- books that 4 4- lead into error and ruin; that make men forget their seals. 4- 4- Cast them out, and ta-ke some elevating work such as a Catholic 4- 4 paper. Take a Catholic paper for your children's sake. 4- I have nothing to say against the daily papers. God forbid that I 4- should. But there is often matter in them that is not fit for a child to 4- read. 4- 4- How many times has a Catholic paper, a piece of one, even a scrap 4- 4- or line, when read by one outside of the Church (yes outside of all 4- churches) set them thinking; brought about their conversion, and " 4- brought them to the Kingdom of God. 4- Next to the preacher comes the writer in God's holy voik. for di.I . 4 not our Blessed Lord say to his apostles: "Go forth and spread my doc- . ! 4- trine," and today, those who do not go to Mas-., by reading a Catholic? 4- paper, may be reminded of their duty to God, and come forth and listen 4- to His Apostles, and receive His blessing, and save a soul that might -f- 4- otherwise be lost. 4- Now, my friends, I repeat, I want to the Intermountain Catholic 4- 4 in every Catholic home in Park City, and I want you to be practical 4- Catholics and imitate the grand examples set by the Good and Holy 4 Men whose lives you read therein. |