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Show i i 4- 4 4i44 ! : SALT, lake : -f 1 4 4 Miss Mamie Porter has returned east to school. " ' Mr. "William McDermott Is in Wash- 1 lnston, D. C. i Henry MeCornick. has gone east on a pleasure trip. ' Mrs. Major "Walker left on "Wednesday "Wednes-day for the east. Architect Neuhausen leaves in a few days for the east. 3 Hon. A. "W. McCune left for New Tork on Monday. John F. Connorof Stockton is registered regis-tered at the Kenyon. Henry Newell is rapidly convalescing from a severe illness. f Mr. Harry Fulton lias been on the f Sick list for many davs. Qr- J. E. McGoe has returned from a , J mining trip to Pioche, Nev. I James Kirkpatrick and wife of Dil- I Ion, Mont., are at the Cullen. Mrs. T. D. Sullivan of Eureka was in the city a few days the past week. Knox Taylor of Ketohum, Ida... is the g-uest of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Salisbury. Mrs. John Hickey of Morcur was vis- j iting friends in the city the past week, i Mrs. Joseph Luce ard Mm. J. M. Moore will attend to the altars this nveek. The National Livestock association will hold their next convention in this " Q Manager Sullivan of the Raymond mine at Eureka was a city visitor last Monday. Miss Hfllen Gould has presented the Shaldr.n Jackson college with a check for 55,000. -- M. J. Hogan of the Short Line has been made assistant special agent of the system. -i S. H. Auerbach left on Monday morning morn-ing for New York on a purchasing trip for the firm. ? Mrs. Joseph Gries has gone to Silver to join her husband, whose business is located there. i Rev. Father Kennedy of De Lamar, I Nev.. is in the city, and will remain , about ten days. 'i Mrs. Duncan McVichie, Miss Dern and Miss Airis spent a few days in j. Mercur last week. The Sewing society meets every Mon- i. An-c nfftiw-no.-vn flt 9. VH(irk 3,t the 4 Episcopal residence. H "William McQueen has been se lf lected as the new superintendent of the ' Eutonia mine ait Mammoth. Mr. Thomas Rogers and Mr. Richard Hyland were in the city a few tiaye - " the paet week, from Mercur. & Miss Marie Pederichs of Germany, a I niece of Joseph Dederichs, will make I her home here for the future. I On laet Sunday the baby boy of Mr. j , and Mra Robert Gorlinski was ban- j tized at St. Mary's by Rev. Father j Kiely. Benjamin Springer is very happy over s'nie assays taken from ore sent ) up from his sulphate mine in the S3 tat e-I e-I lino district. The many friends of Mrs. James Ivers w ill be pleased to hear that she is rap-Jdly rap-Jdly convalescing from a severe attack of rheumatism. The Misses Morrison' of Los Angeles. Cal., and Mrs. Virgil Thompson of Frisco. Utah, are the gueats of Mrs. Charles Morrison. Mrs. Joseph Young returned from Og-dtn Og-dtn laat Sunday, where she went to ntlenl the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Richard MeCornick. Mr. "W. D. Fisk of Helena, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Salisbury Sal-isbury for the past month, left for the east last "Wednesday. There will be a special meeting of the Altar society next Thursday at 3 o"clock in the sacristy. Election of officers of-ficers w ill taka place. Ji, Rev. Father Kielr celebrated Mass ; In Murray lat Sunday, at the resi dence of Mr. Thill, who is the superintendent superin-tendent of the Highland Boy mill. The many friends of Chief Devine of the fire drn-airtrnent resTet the serious ; , Illnett' in the family, and will be pleased j to hear that all are fast recovering. j Vladimir de Pachman. the great ! Russian pianist, and friends, were puests at the Kenyon on Monday on their way from California to the east. Thcm-aa Keams, "W. S. McCornic-k. Da via Keun, James jvers ana jonn Webf-r were in Park City on Mondai", on business connected with the Silver King. The engagement -f the R-Octonians at the Suit Lake theatre was the chief event of the week. Many theatre parties were jriven. In the boxes and Ptalls were notifd Mr. and Mrs. David Keith, Mr. 'and Mrs. "W. S. MeCornick, he Mins Keith, Judge, Salisbury, Geddes and Burke. The organization of a social club is 1 well under way. Many of the young ladie? of the parish met lassl Sunday tiftcrnoon to dif?uss the matter. All I the young ladies and gentlemen in the I congregation will be royally wel-I wel-I comed by the charter members, who hope to fwa make the club a great j success The teachers of the public, schools will receive full pay for the two weeks' en-i en-i forced vacation by the closing of the schools for that period. The school contracts con-tracts provide that if the schools are discontinued the principals and teachers teach-ers are to receive a month's notice. The amount to be paid for the two w eeks will be $10,000. An interesting and dangerous operation opera-tion was performed on the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. McFollin of Kureka last Sunday by Drs. Pinkerton and Pfoutz. The boy swallowed a nickel several days previous which lodged in the trachea. To remove it an incision had to be made from the out-Fide out-Fide of his throat. The little lad stood the ordeal well, and the delicate operation opera-tion was very successful. Rev. Father T. Cashman of Chicago will deliver a lecture in this city on March 17, at the Salt Lake theatre. Father Cashman enjoys the reputation of being one of the greatest pulpit orators, of the church. His lecture will be on . Ircla.nd and will be illustrated with f.tei"e.0Dtiean views. The enlire proceeds will go to the furnishing of St. Ann's Orphanage. The ubs of the Theatre has been kindly oomributod for the occasion. On Friday evening. Jan. 12, Mr. and 1 Mrs. X). J. Cat!? 'nan gave a vn-y pleasant pleas-ant vaaiy in, h inor of Mns. Donnelly. STiie parlors aQ'd dining room were beau- tifully decorated with flowers and palms. Progressive high five was played; play-ed; the finst prize, a half dozen silver spoons, was won by Mrs. La Forge, and the booby prize, a silver candlestick, candle-stick, by Mrs. McKenna. Delicious re-fresihmer.'ts re-fresihmer.'ts were served, and the large number of guests present had a moat enjoyable time. |